❤︎𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣❤︎ [𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙩 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧]

Mulai dari awal

Miya and I played two-player games together like connect four, guitar hero, dance dance revolution, etc. We also played games that gave us tickets as well from time to time.

Once we practically ran out of money, we decided to cash in our tickets and split them. I ended up getting some candy while Miya got me and him matching cat plushies.

 I ended up getting some candy while Miya got me and him matching cat plushies

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

[this is what the plushies look like. Miya got the green one and you got the white(?) one]

I put the sweets along with the cat plushie in my bag before I pulled Miya into a hug. "Thanks for the plushie" Miya's nose scrunched up, "Your breath reeks of candy"

I immediately backed away, placing my hand over my mouth. "S-sorry.." Miya laughed, patting my head, "I never said it was bad"

"Hey, you two!" Miya and I looked over to see Olivia and Ace walking up to us. "Did you two already cash in your tickets?" Ace questioned.

I nodded, "We did" Olivia smiled, "Good, so did we. Let's go" Olivia began walking off while holding Ace's hand. Miya and I sent each other a smirk before we began waking after the two.

"Today was fun" Olivia commented, breaking the silence as we were all walking down the sidewalk. "Indeed, it was" I agreed. "We should do this more often" Ace suggested.

"I wouldn't mind that I guess" Miya mumbled. Olivia laughed before she stopped walking, "Well, I should probably go home now. Bye guys!" Olivia bid us goodbye before she winked at Ace then ran off.

Miya and I both glanced at Ace, who's face was flushed red. "I-I should probably get going as well..." Before Miya and I could say anything, Ace ran off.

"I guess it's just the two of us now" I lightly laughed while nudging Miya on the arm. "Finally" Miya mumbled before he grabbed my hand and started dragging me somewhere.

We eventually made our way to an empty park, sitting down on one of the benches. I leaned my head on Miya's shoulder, admiring the sunset above us.

"[Y/n]" I glanced at the black haired boy beside me. "Hm?" "I-I need to tell you something" I lifted my head off of Miya's shoulder, giving the male my full attention.

Miya looked directly into my eyes. "I..I like you, slime" Miya's cheeks turned a bright shade of red as he broke eye contact. I blinked a few times before smiling.

"I like you too, Miya" The male's eyes slightly widen as he looked at me, "Really!? Y-you mean it?" I nodded, "I do" "Then..will you be mine?" Miya asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

I laughed before placing my hand on Miya's cheek. "Yes, I will gladly be yours, Miya" Those words seemed to make the male in front of me relax.

Miya placed his hand on top of mine before he leaned in, connecting our lips. Butterflies seemed to explode in my stomach as I kissed back.

We both stayed like that for a few seconds before we broke the kiss. Miya rested his head on mine, "I love you, slime" I smiled, "I love you too, kitty"

Miya eventually walked me home, hand in hand. We bid each other goodbye and shared a small kiss before we parted ways. I entered my house with a huge smile on my face.

"That's a happy face" I looked to see my mom smiling at me while she was sitting on the dinner table with her phone her hand. "Something good happen?" Mother asked as I took off my shoes.

"Yeah" I confirmed, the smile never leaving my face. "It's kind of late, so I'll let you get ready for bed. You'll have to tell me what happened tomorrow though"

I slightly laughed while nodding, "Okay" I began to make my way towards Langa's room, getting ready to tell him about everything that happened.

I slid the door to Langa's room open, not bothering to knock. "Langa you won't believe what- oh.." I trailed off as I stood at the entrance of Langa's room, shocked.

My brother was on his bed making out with Reki. The two immediately stopped and snapped their heads to look at me. I slowly backed up before turning and dashing down the hallway.

"[Y/N] WAIT-"

Eᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ: 1/4/22

MiyaxNon-Binary! Reader [Sk8 The Infinity]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang