The Beginning Of The End

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"You just can't out win the amazing Ronan Thompson" I shrugged as if it was nothing.

"You suck" he stated, rolling his eyes. "Yea well, I'm not the one who continues to lose, that'd be you, my friend." I laughed as I shifted my position on the couch we had been occupying for the past hour and a half.

"Whatever. Wanna watch a movie and cuddle ?" He asked looking down at me as I was now upside down with my head hanging off the couch and my legs on the back of the couch.

"Yeah lemme go grab some more blankets and pillows so we can build a fort."

We did this a lot, built a fort, watched a movie and cuddled.

It wasn't romantic, more so innocent.

He got up probably heading to raid the kitchen for snacks as I got the pillows and blankets ready for us to build the fort.

Just like I had assumed, he came back with half the kitchen in his hands and even a bag of gummy worms in his teeth as he struggled to carry everything.

He placed the snacks to the side and started helping me build the fort.

Once we finished he brought the snacks in and we got comfy. We ended up watching Mean Girls which was Luke's favorite movie.

If anyone else were to ask though, he'd say some action movie probably being a marvel movie.

But I knew him all too well.

We cuddled and watched a couple more movies before deciding to clean up our mess and head up to my room for bed.

We each brushed their teeth and washed their face. I pulled the trundle bed out from under my bed and got it ready for Luke to sleep in.

We each got into bed and I turned off the lamp. We talked for a little bit before falling asleep.

. . .

I woke up around 10 and noticed Luke was still asleep.

It wasn't unusual for the teenage boy to still be asleep, he usually slept til noon.

I got up and pulled out t-shirt that had holes where the sleeves once were that went down kind of low on me at least.

And a pair of black skinny jeans with holes only in the knees. The shirt read "destroy yourself, see who gives a fuck".

Luke and I have matching ones.

I paired the outfit with my beat up black and white converse and i decided to pull my hair into a messy but cute ponytail.

I then headed into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face.

I put on a little concealer following a little bit of packed powder to set it in place before adding some bronzer and blush.

I brushed my eyebrows up ever so slightly and curled my lashes. Finishing the natural makeup off with some lip balm.

By the time I headed back into my room, Luke head been awake scrolling on his phone on what was probably Instagram or Twitter.

He met my eyes and smiled. "Good morning, Ro" he said pretty cheery.

"Well you're in a good mood." I said taking a notice in the boy's semi strange morning behavior but I decided not to push any further.

He just shrugged and got up to help me clean my room. "Do you wanna go to mine after we get done here ?" He asked as he chucked a pillow that I had lent him back onto my bed.

"Yeah, that'd be fun. I haven't seen Liz in a whole week considering you've been here for an entire week." I replied looking up and smiling at the boy after I had just made my bed.

"I'm gonna get ready and we'll leave." He shouted as he walked out of my room to the guest bathroom where he usually goes in the mornings.

Probably to use the toilet lol. He came back all ready after 30 minutes or so. With that I grabbed my bag and my phone shouting a good bye to my parents and telling them that I was gonna go to Luke's.

They never question it.

The car ride was filled with laughter and loud singing to whatever song came on.

It was always fun, lighthearted, and mellow with Luke. I could never get tired of him.

He was the only friend I had but the only friend I'd ever want or need. Not to mention the best friend I could ever ask for.

He was making some stupid joke when he pulled up to the gas station to get gas when he looked at the kids who were laughing really loudly.

I followed his gaze to see the kids went to our school and were popular.

He didn't say anything, just filled the tank and heading to his.

The rest of the car ride being a little quieter than just moments ago. I could tell that he wished he could be popular instead of a reject outcast to them.

I was aware that he wanted more but I never knew how deep it was for him.

We pulled up to his house and headed inside. I walked to the kitchen where I was instantly met with Liz making lunch.

"Ronan ! Hi honey, I was just preparing lunch. It's nice to see you." Liz greeted.

We talked for a little bit before she finished lunch and Luke and I ate in his room.

"Your mom loves me." I say with a smile. "Well I sure hope so, she's only known you your whole life-" he said smiling and rolling his eyes.

I got up and fumbled with his cds and pulled the All Time Low album out of its case before placing it in the cd player.

I joined him back on his bed and we started a game of call of duty, He shot me glances every now and again and tried to sabotage me many times over the course of the round.

He threw his hands up in victory "suck on the Thompson." He cheered.

"You actually cheated though" I replied smiling and shaking my head.

That summer was the last great summer I had with my best friend before he had a massive glow up conveniently right before school started.

After that, everything changed.

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