28 | United Council

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A/N: Double update! Chapter 29 is also up! One more to go!

The addition of fourteen new thrones definitely got a reaction from the crowd. And my next proclamation led to an even bigger one.

948 words


A month passed before the excitement on Olympus settled down. I remained with Percy as his chamberlain, which he was happy to hear. He made good on his word and helped my people set up a prosperous future for themselves. He paid his staff well and gave good benefits too. But his time nowadays was mostly spent in meetings.

You see, Percy set up the throne room in a circular fashion. There were 14 new seats in between each original Olympian (Zeus no longer having a throne). He invited a rotating panel of minor gods to vote on the council. The list was randomly generated and would remain in that order as the panel switched for each minor god every two solstices (one winter and one summer), similar to the United Nations.

This new 28 person council would become a 30 person council if Zeus ever earned his throne back. And it was known as the Enoménos Council, the United Council, for the Greeks, and the Unum Council, the Unified Council, for the Romans.

Percy was hence known as the King of Unity rather than the King of the Gods or the King of Olympus. His new title officially marked the end of the Age of Olympians because everyone on the United Council was then referred to as an Enopoiós, a Unifier, for the Greeks or a Coniugator, One Who Unites, for the Romans.

Percy remained King only to facilitate grievances and be seen as the figurehead, but he had an equal vote like the rest of them. This system prospered and peace settled in the heavens so much so that it eventually settled onto Earth (mostly).

The sea was also affected and a peace treaty with most underwater nations was made. Percy entrusted me to represent him at most meetings, which scared me to death but also gave me purpose. I helped my people and others like us procure happy and fulfilling futures. I was sitting in my office thinking this over when Percy walked in.

"Lucius!" he said frantically. "I need your help!"

That sent me flying out of my seat and by his side in an instant.

"What? What is it?! What's wrong?!"

I could not imagine what put him in a state like this. He was never frazzled. He never rushed into things and I'd never seen him so urgent.

"Just come on!" he shouted as he dashed out of the room.

I didn't even have time to roll my eyes before he left me in the dust... or in the water seeing as that was the part of the palace we were currently in.

I moved to follow him out, but the King of Unity was always one turn ahead. The endless maze of corridors that I'd only just gotten the hang of confused me as I raced down them.

Panting somewhat heavily, I stopped at the large opulent doors of one of his ballrooms. Percy was grinning next to me with the enthusiasm of a toddler told they would get dessert for dinner.

I didn't have time to ask what the stupid smile was for because he pushed open the heavy doors to the ginormous room.


Friends and family were standing around wearing glimmering smiles. They had roared the greeting as soon as the doors revealed me standing in shock. Everyone wore fancy clothes and traditional party shoes. Hanging high above their heads was a large banner that read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

The room was decorated with beautiful sea flowers and gems and corals. The food was piled high and the large cake in the back was two times my height.

"Do you like it?" Percy asked nervously.

I couldn't believe he felt the need to ask me that. "Like it? I love it! I've never had such a large birthday party before."

Percy's face brightened at my admiration and he ushered me into the ballroom.

"I know! Lucy told me and I had to throw you one. It's the least I could do for all the help you've been."

"Lucy helped you?"

For some reason, Percy laughed at that. "More like I helped her," he admitted. "She was the brains of the operation. An excellent party planner, I'll tell you. And," he added with a smirk, "she's waiting for you by the drink fountain."

When Percy said drink fountain, he literally meant a fountain, which somehow worked underwater, that spewed different drinks. I made my way over to her with a wide smile on my face.

"Hi," I said awkwardly.

"Hey," she greeted, unfazed by my stiffness.

"I heard you set this up." As soon as the words left my mouth I wanted to shove them back in.

But Lucy laughed delightedly and I thought my nervousness was worth it. "I did. You like it?" she questioned.

"It's amazing," I answered honestly. "You did a great job."

"Good," she said with another smile. "It was hard keeping the secret, but I'm glad it all worked out."

I don't know when I started to see Lucy as more than a friend, but I did. I loved the way she passionately advocated her ideas to the elected officials. I loved the way she refused to back down when she knew she was right. I loved the way she would talk me through my speeches or presentations every time without complaint. I even loved when she told me off for being stupid and pointed out all the ways things could be done better.

Most of all, I loved that we could make a future together, one we both wanted, one we would achieve together, one we could have as free citizens. I loved living.

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