08 | Gathering Insights

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A/N: As a thank you for 200 followers, enjoy this extra chapter! Double check to make sure you've read the previous one.


He smiled and nodded, pleased with that arrangement. Just then, an Iris message appeared in front of me.

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The Iris message that appeared towards the end of dinner showed an old friend, mentor, and father-like figure.

"Chiron! Good to see you!"

"Hello, Lord Percy. I hope you're well, my boy," Chiron greeted warmly even though he still insisted on addressing me as Lord Percy at the start of every conversation we have. "I think you should come to camp soon. Caleb, Michaela, and Flora have arrived and were claimed by Ares, Athena, and Iris, respectively."

I was relieved to hear they made it to camp safely. And that Ares at least claimed the kid. Albeit a year later than agreed, but I couldn't dwell on that at the moment.

"Alright," I said, "I'll be there sometime tomorrow. I have a couple of things to take of here first."

"See you then. Take care." Chiron waved goodbye through the rainbow.

"You too," I called out before swiping my hand through the mist.

Lucius and I finished our meal quickly to avoid forced conversation. When our plates were licked clean, I jumped up saying, "Right. Let's go check up on Miss Starling, shall we?"

With that, we both got up, walked back to the servants' quarters, and knocked on her door.

Mr. Starling opened it, ready to attack, but quickly bowed when he saw who was at the door.

"No need for that, Mr. Starling," I told him. "Is your daughter feeling any better?"

"Yes, my Lord. She's just a little shook up is all. Please, come in," he said, gesturing for us to enter.

"Thank you, but I think we should let her rest for now. I did want to inform you that the guard has been arrested and tried for sexual assault. He has already been fired from my service and will never be allowed in my guard again, I assure you. And while I cannot intervene in the court system, I trust in their judgment to find him guilty and sentence him appropriately."

Gratitude shone through Mr. Starling's eyes. "I can't tell you how appreciative we are, my Lord. You've done more than we thought you would have."

"What did you think I would have done?" I asked because I genuinely wanted to know the answer, not to criticize his words.

"No! Sorry! Didn't mean it like that! We just... it's unusual for gods to care so much."

"I see. Well, I'll leave you all to rest. Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything."

I swiftly left and headed to my bedroom. I was thinking about what Mr. Starling said regarding the gods. I may be one of the more caring gods, but surely they would help a maiden in such a situation? I was thinking so hard that I barely realized I was already in my room pacing. I must have vapor traveled here. Lucius came in a minute later, trying not to look out of breath.

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