15 | Uncovered Secrets

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A/N: Double update! Make sure you've read the previous chapter!

Seeing no other option and not wanting to put others in danger should I loose my cool, I decided to just hide in my room at my palace. So I quickly flashed there as I quietly fumed over Apollo and Hermes's actions. I hoped gods couldn't get magical hangovers from potions that get you drunk. That would suck.

1729 words


Percy came back late and looked a little disoriented. He didn't seem quite balanced on his feet and kept trying to focus his vision. It was clear he was intoxicated.

The other staff stayed away from him, not knowing how he was when drunk, but knowing that most gods were short-tempered as it were and liked to lash out when they were in this state.

Percy was grumbling something under his breath and did not look too pleased. Hesitantly, I walked up to him and asked, "Is everything ok?"

When he looked up at me, I recoiled from the anger in his eyes.

"I am going to bed. No one is to enter my chambers until noon tomorrow," he ordered.

We were a little stunned by that but secretly grateful. It meant we wouldn't be in his line of fire should he get temperamental. Of course, he had only ever been kind so far, but the distrust my people held made them extra cautious. The only problem came the next morning.

I was arranging lunch to be a little past noon, which gave me time to handle whatever state Percy may be in. Never having experienced one myself, I didn't know how to prepare for a hangover. According to Abrax's book, Percy detested alcohol, so nothing in there would help me.

That was when Lord Poseidon showed up demanding to see him.

"He is my son and I wish to speak to him. Who are you to stand in my way?!" Poseidon shouted.

I had my head bowed respectfully as I calmly informed him, "Lord Percy has requested that no one enter his chambers until noon, sir. I'm only following his orders."

"Well, I don't exactly care what he told you. I'm telling you to go in and get him for me!"

"I cannot disobey him, Lord, or I'll face the consequences."

"That's your problem, boy," the old sea god spat. "Either you go in there and get him to see me or you'll deal with my consequences."

I was utterly screwed. Lord Poseidon could be harsh, but Percy was my master. Yet he might also be less harsh if he heard me out. But he was very clear last night and to defy his wishes could not go unpunished. Taking my chances I knocked on Percy's chamber doors.

"Who is it?" Percy called out.

"It's Lucius, sir. Sorry to disturb you-"

He cut me off. "Come in, come in."

When I entered, Percy was calmly reading papers at the little coffee table. He didn't seem at all disheveled as I kinda expected. And he didn't seem in a bad mood either.

"What's up?" he inquired in a shockingly casual manner.

"Lord Poseidon is here and wishes to speak with you. I told him you didn't want to be bothered until noon, but he was most insistent."

I braced myself for the yelling or reprimanding but got neither. Percy only nodded and gestured for me to lead the way. The two gods talked in private for close to half an hour. I tried not to eavesdrop, but my curiosity won out.

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