•Chapter Five•

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I had finally managed to fall asleep after hours of tossing and turning, the image of the wolf standing over me kept appearing every time I closed my eyes. I had been asleep for around an hour, when a voice wakes me up suddenly.

I frantically look around the room to find the owner of this voice but found no one, Justin was fast asleep on the blow up mattress on the floor. But beside him was his walkie-talkie which calms me down a little, there is no intruder it's just that thing!

"I just hit another one, taking these down one after another" the voice says again through the walkie-talkie, what a lovely thing to hear when you've just woken up right?!

I sit up straight rubbing eyes as I went, I look over at the clock to see it was almost 4am! These wolf and police officers don't sleep it feels like, I get up to get a glass of water in hopes that would somehow help me get back to sleep.

Once I walk back into my bedroom, the window becomes very intriguing, don't ask me why because I couldn't tell you. I had this urge to walk over and look outside, I listened to the urge and made my way over to the window. It was still quite dark so I couldn't really see much at first glance, but something starts to catch my attention after a few seconds. My house was located at the bottom of this hill, either side of the hill was thick woods and I had no idea what was on the opposite side of the hill. My dad always told me that's one place that I wasn't allowed to explore, even with how tempting it was throughout the years I've never actually gone.

Right at the very top of the hill was what looked like an outline of a person, at first I thought it was just my eyes playing tricks on me due to how dark and late it was. I rub my eyes a few times but the person never disappeared, but they were slowly making their way down the hall. The way in which they were walking also stood out to me, it looked as though they were limping while holding their side. They looked injured if I'm being honest, once again this urge came over to me go to them to see if they were okay.

I run to my wardrobe taking a coat out before leaving my room, lucky for me Justin was a deep sleeper and I know my dad and Ethan wasn't home. I run down the stairs of my house and towards the back door, it was freezing cold outside which just made me even more worried for this guy. Why would someone be wondering around in the pitch black and freezing night?

I reach my garden gate to see the guy was now maybe a few feet from me, he hadn't looked up yet but still held tightly onto his side.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" I ask which causes him look up, I have to stop myself from gasping when I realise, it's the guy I locked eyes with the night of the raid or whatever we're calling it.

He doesn't answer me but crouches down on his knees, this just tells me how hurt he actually is. I jump my garden gate which luckily, wasn't that high or I would have probably fell on my face and would have been no help to the guy. I run over knelling down beside him, I was still unclear on what happened but I knew it was bad. Without warning he falls to the ground groaning holding his side, oh I'm not equipped to deal with this alone!

"Wait here, I'll go get help" I say beginning to get up to call Justin, but he grabs hold of my arm stopping me from moving.

This next part is going to sound crazy, when his hand came in contact with my arm what felt like sparks started to spread up my arm. It wasn't painful at all, it was such a weird feeling, a feeling that I don't think I could describe.

"No please, I just need you to help me" he manages to say through the pain, just with the way he spoke I could tell he was in so much pain, something inside me changed and all that was on my mind was helping this perfect stranger.

Mated To The Enemy जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें