Charlie (Epilogue)

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This was originally written in my one-shot book as a sort of epilogue to the story but it was deleted. Unlike the books, this one-shot is written from Adrian's perspective and not Charlie's


"Adrian, what the fuck?" Camila reacts as we stand outside the diner and I'm showing her Charlie's birthday gift, "you're serious?" She looks at me

"Of course I am" I nod, "why you don't think he'll like it?"

"I mean are you kidding yeah he'll love it but it's Charlie, there's no way he'll accept it"

"Why not?" I frown worried

"Have you ever talked to Charlie about how much money you actually have?" Thinking about the question I shake my head, "exactly because when it comes to money and accepting it from other people he has a big problem with that, Charlie never liked taking anything from anyone."

"You don't think he'll take it?"

"This is an amazing gift Adrian but no I don't, I honestly think if you show him this Charlie might actually break up with you"

"Jesus" I stare at it, "why did I think this was a good idea? Of course, he won't take it I'm such an idiot"

"Hey stop spiraling I'm just fucking with you he's not going to break up with you, but I'd think twice before springing this on him. Between this and the party, it might be too much"

"Camila you have to help me I don't know what he wants, he has every game and weed is out of the question I'm not buying him drugs."

"Have you ever gotten him something before?"

"Besides food, no"

"Ok then why don't you test it out, find something he needs and buy it for him"

"I'm not following"

"Adrian if he accepts whatever you buy then maybe he'll accept this as a birthday gift."

"You think?"

Camila shrugs "might work who knows"

Groaning "god your brother is so complicated!"

She chuckles "you chose to love him can't blame anyone but yourself. I gotta get back to work"

"Thanks for the input."

Noticing the sad expression on my face Camila hugs me "you're amazing for this ok don't forget that, and Charlie is lucky to have you but like you said he's complicated and he isn't like most guys, if your money didn't freak him out before giving him this might."

Leaving the diner after talking to her I drive home to get some work done before I go to Charlie's. His birthday is in less than 2 weeks and after being with him for almost a year it never dawned on me to have a real conversation with him about my money, and how much of it there really is. He always made it a priority to never ask me for anything and now if I give him his birthday gift he's going to freak out. Camila's right I should test him, maybe get him something small and see how he reacts then the real gift won't be as bad, Jesus I can't believe I have to trick someone into accepting a gift.

"Guess fucking what?" Axl walks into the dining room sitting in front of me as I'm doing homework.


"Yours truly got picked to shadow a case going to trial" I stare at him confused, "you heard me! Axl Hogan is interning for the big dogs!"

He says with so much excitement

Then there's me "what the actual hell?"

"Jesus be happy for me Adrian" sure I'll be happy that my roommate who somehow always gets what I want is also getting to work on a case I studied my ass off for. Axl has been undermining me since the moment I moved in here and now this was probably the icing on the cake, the last thread holding me together as he tugs on it. "Whatever I'll go tell the other guys they'll be happy for me" he leaves the table.

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