Part 7

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"I'm sorry" Adrian's tone changes "I shouldn't have acted the way I did and kicked you out like that." What the fuck? Is he forgetting he just yelled at me like 5 seconds ago?

"Are you apologizing to me right now?" My eyes squint staring at him not believing it

"That's why you came back here right? Certainly not to apologize to me. There are only 2 possible reasons you're here, to tell me off for how I treated you or for attention because you're bored." A little bit of both

"Adrian fuck you ok? Fuck your roommate and this entire house." He was not about to steal my moment with his dumbass apology

"Now you're mad?"

"Yes, I'm fucking mad! I was always mad!"

"Charlie you don't get to be mad!" He raises his voice higher than mine, "not when I walked in on you getting your dick sucked by Eve!"

"We were casual!" I yell "do you still not know what casual means?! I could do whatever the fuck I wanted and so could you! I always make it clear that I do not want a boyfriend, it's like the first thing I say before I sleep with anyone"

"Then I'm sorry for thinking maybe I was different" he doesn't yell but instead says sad and disappointed.


I fucked up, didn't I?

"Why would you think you were different? I was just being nice to you, literally what I do with anyone I want to have sex with"

"So you don't like me?" Why do people put feelings and emotions into every fucking thing?! "Because I like you and I think about you a lot, you're this cool guy who isn't afraid to say or do what he wants. I'm really into you Charlie you bring out a different side of me"

"Stop ok you don't know me you heard your roommate I'm white trash, and as much as I fucking hate that guy right now he's right Adrian. I've got shit to offer especially to you, you're not... we're not..." I struggle, why can't I say the fucking words?

"The same?" He looks at me asking

"Pretty much."

"Isn't that what makes it better? Hotter... more fun?"

"If you're talking about the sex then yes but relationships I don't do those"

"You don't do those with me"

"I can't do it with you Adrian"

"Why not?" His tone goes up and down "What's so wrong with me? I mean I'm not everyone's cup of tea, but you and I... we had such an awesome weekend 3 months ago, and ever since then it's felt like you've been doing everything in your power to get rid of me."

When we were little Camila used to say that I sabotage everything I touch, when we were in the 10th grade I made out with her boyfriend because she ate all of our birthday cake. My parents got us a car once and I was so sure they meant to get it more for her, I stole it one night and it got trashed. Adrian doesn't understand why I can't be with him and I can't fucking bring myself to tell him. "Yeah uhh... I should go" I turn around getting my jacket, "I was high when I thought coming here was a good idea and that's gone now so I should be too."

"Why can't you be serious about anything?!" Adrian yells "if it is me then just please tell me why!"

I stand in front of him with my jacket in my hands really ready to leave but I can't. Adrian wants an explanation and even though I never explain myself to others, I have to try for him. I open my mouth and whatever falls out is his fault "I don't know how to care about anything enough not to hurt it. I mean you're a fucking scholar who lives in a palace with like a billion pillows on your bed" I point. "Seriously that's a lot of fucking pillows dude" he chuckles quietly so I don't hear. "You can do way better than me, besides good sex and weed I have nothing else to offer you"

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