Part 17

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"In exactly one month we're going to be seniors! Isn't that amazing?!" Cam drops on my couch

"You know who calls themselves seniors when they're in college Camila? Losers"

"Whatever... so how you doing?" She looks at me touching on a sensitive topic

"Great I was playing 2k with Eddie earlier and-"

"You know that's not what I'm talking about Charlie"

"Well, that's all you're getting from me." I get up

"He's doing bad you know" she starts and I groan, "hasn't shown up for our study group in weeks"

"It's weird you have a study group with him"

"He's my friend too... he doesn't come by the diner for coffee, and he doesn't know this but I saw him a few days ago and he looked rough, and I mean hair a mess no sweater rough."

"I don't care"

"That's not true"

Walking to grab my weed and a piece I sit back down next to her "want to join me?"


"I am your brother, your twin, probably your best friend and you won't get high with me"

"You're not my best friend" she stands up "and I'd rather do that with my boyfriend. Anyway, I'll see you later I have a paper to finish."


Before she leaves "I spoke to mom" ugh "she asked how you were, said you won't answer her calls"

"Because I don't want to hear how much of a disappointment I am"

"You know they just want the best for you right?"

"Yeah and I'm sure they want the same thing for you too Cam, so how many times have they called you a disappointment?"

"It's like you refuse to see that you're a difficult person to deal with sometimes" I stick my middle finger up at her "very classy" she leaves. Fuck them I don't need negative shit, I'm all the negativity I can handle.

And as for Adrian, I don't want to see or talk to him, he was serious about being done because it's been like a month now I think and nothing. No calls or texts.

"Hey, Charlie!" I hear my name as I'm walking from class, turning around I see Caleb walking down the hall towards me with a smile. "I started doubting you went to this school"

"Yeah, I'm barely ever in the building" I haven't seen Caleb since the night I stopped him from sucking my dick, the first time Adrian and I stopped talking to each other.

"How you been?"

"Good, you?"

"Yeah, I been good" we walk together "are you leaving or heading to class?"

"Leaving I've reached my bare minimum for the week, you?"

"Heading to the library to use the computer, mine's fried. Wanna come with?"

"God no" I scoff "library is where depression goes to die" he laughs

"Yeah now that I think about it I've never seen you there either"

"And you never will, but I will walk you there so I can finally see where it actually is"

"You've been here for 3 years and you don't even know where the library is" he laughs "I'm honestly not surprised."

We make it and I stop at the doors "this is where I leave you"

"Thanks for the walk"

"You're welcome I'm gonna go home and alter my mind with drugs, you have fun"

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