" Let's see it. I am looking forward to it. ", Cabir said smirking.

" I think we saw it all last time. It's probably a copy.", Navya said trying to distract them.

" We can find it out.", Mukti said and forwarded the album to Cabir but Nandini took it and put it behind her arms.

They looked at her surprised to see her face that clearly showed how hurt she was.

" I didn't mean to snoop. It was kept in the open. I didn't think much. ", Mukti said realizing she hurt her unknowingly.

" It's fine.", She murmured and moved forward to go inside the closet.

The vibe was awkward and everyone was curious as they stared at Nandini.

A photo flew from the album and fell on the floor upside down.

"Nandini", Manik called and she stopped and turned to him.

He gestured towards the picture and went to pick it up.

Nandini froze in her place as she watched Manik pick the picture up.

Manik read the smudged lines of ink written and recognised Nandini's handwriting.

In the end, we'll all become stories.~ Vihaan 🤍

He gave it back to her without turning the picture and she immediately went inside the closet.

"Did I upset her?", Mukti asked feeling the guilt.

Manik wraps his hand around her.

"She will come around. She knew you didn't do it intentionally.", Manik said calming her as he eyes the closet door for her to come back and mukti nods.

Navya was staring at the door and then at Cabir who gave her an assuring smile.

"Give her some space.", Cabir said her and she nods still a little worried.

When Nandini shared with her. She had noticed how much it pained her to go through that album and tell her. Even though she was so close to breaking down she didn't. Navya knew Nandini hardly show her real feelings and when she does she hides most of it just letting you see a glimpse of it. That day she had shown her how much she was hurt before and today she saw a glimpse of it again.

"Let's go outside.", Manik said to them and they moved outside silently.

They sat there for a while before they heard her walk out and all turned to her.

Mukti immediately hugged her.

"I am sorry.", She repeated and Nandini nodded.

"It's fine. You didn't know.", She said assuring her hugging her back.

Everyone relaxed a little while Manik watched her knowing well it was just her masking her expressions well. It's been a long since he had seen her put on a mask to hide her feelings. She has been honest with him always since they started getting well together.

" I am sorry to kill the mood. To make it up we can go shopping.", She said looking at all of them and they looked at her trying to see if she's okay.

" Okay let's go.", Navya said knowing she needs a distraction.

They quickly took their purses and Manik took his key as they locked up.

Cabir took the passenger's seat while the girls took the back seat as Manik drove them around.

"You know what we should go to the mall. Maybe we can catch a movie if something good is playing on.", Cabir suggested and they nodded.

Manik drove to one of the big malls and they shopped around picking up dresses and trying them on.

Manan - Hold My HandWhere stories live. Discover now