Meeting Will {Chapter 4}

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I parked my car at the top of the drive way and looked at the only illuminated window in the house. The living room. Turning the key in the lock, I hear noise blaring from the TV. Alani circled around my legs purring loudly. She was glad I was home.

"Good first day at work?" I head Josh say sleepily from the couch. I walked over to see that he changed clothes. He was wearing a collared white button-up shirt. It was unbuttoned and under it was a graphic tee with a band name plastered on the front. He wore cheap jeans and red tennis shoes.

"Yeah. Had trouble with a someone today. I got screamed at. Nothing too big though," I said reaching for a pan in the cabinets.

"No need to get something out to cook. I brought home takeout. It's on the counter over there," Josh said without looking back at me. I glanced over the counter to see a small brown bag. It smelled like Chinese food. My favorite.

"Thanks. You didn't have to do that for me," I told him shoveling food into my mouth. I didn't realize how hungry I was until the food was in front of me.

"I know you would be tired so I decided to get food for you. It's the least I could do," He said walking over to my chair.

"I saw you got some clothes while I was gone huh?" I said with a mouthful, gesturing to his new outfit.

"Yeah I thought I had time to go get something. I didn't feel like wearing the same thing two days in a row," He said putting his hands on my shoulders. "I also bought some shampoo and stuff, would I be able to shower?" He asked.

"Well, there was something we need to do first," I told him taking the last night of my noodles. "We were invited to get a drink tonight. My coworker invited us."

"We?" He asked spinning a chair around to sit in it backwards. He was facing me from the other side of the table.

"Yes, 'we'. Will invited us," I told him cringing. I was hoping he wouldn't decline the offer. I was scared to go alone, i've never been asked to go to a bar before, and I certainly wouldn't want to go alone with a guy I had just met that day.

"I guess so. What time would we have to go?" He asked me looking down at his watch. "It's 8:45 right now on the dot," he said smugly. He dropped his hand back down into his lap and looked back at me.

"We'll have to leave right now if we want to make it on time," I tell him grabbing my purse off the counter. Josh shoved his hands into his pockets and followed hesitantly behind me. I opened the door and started to my car, only to hear the jingling of my keys behind me.

"Forget these? Again?" Josh asks me while leaning against the doorway of the kitchen.

"Oh. Yes," I say grabbing them. I feel embarrassed as I had forgotten the second time.

"You need me to glue these to your hand or something so you won't forget them?" Josh teased as he grabbed my left hand and held it to his chest.

"I think I got it. Thanks though," I tell him, squeezing his hand in return.


"So Will invited us, huh? Still working over at Izzy's? What does he want to do with me?" Josh grumbled with crossed arms as he sank into the passenger seat.

"Because he invited me to go with him and I didn't wanna go with him alone," I told him. "I would feel so much more comfortable with you there with me," I glanced at him as I put my arm on his shoulder.

"I guess I wouldn't want you feeling like that. You know I'm only coming for you anyways. And you're kinda forcing me to come with you." He looked to his right watching the buildings pass by.

"I just didn't wanna be alone," I took my arm off of him and put it back on the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want it to be awkward for you with me and Will in the same room together. You know how our friendship ended months ago..." He shifted his gaze to me. I felt his hard stare on me as I kept my eyes focused on the road. "I just don't know how it'll go between me and him, you know? I don't wanna ruin your night just because of an old friend of mine." We pull into the parking lot of the bar.

"It'll be okay, Josh. I wanted to bring you here. And who knows, maybe you two will make it up before the night's over," I put my hand in his shoulder once more and turn the key ignition. The car exhaled and rested on the asphalt.

"So have you ever been to a bar?" Josh asked me while holding the door open for me.

"I mean, only once. But it wasn't the best experience to say the least," I told him ducking under his arm. It was so dimly lit in the bar. Dull purple and blue lights danced around the floor. Taking it all in, I look to my right to see Josh walking up to Will; surprisingly before I even started looking for him myself.

"Well, if it isn't Josh. I haven't seen you for a while, huh?" Will jutted out his hand for a handshake.

"Yeah. A while indeed," Josh shook his hand firmly, then shoved his hands back into his pockets. We walked up to the counter and sat on one of the stools in a line.

"You ever been to a bar before?" Will asked looking down at me.

"Not really. Only once," I repeat myself from earlier. I look around to see swarms of people talking, laughing, and drinking.

"It's all on me guys," Will says as he orders Mai Tai. He gestures towards the bar, wanting me to order something. My first drink.

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