A Rainy Day {Chapter 1}

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Looking out at the traffic, I realize I should have left sooner. Rain drops trickle down the windshield, and a throbbing headache pulses through my head. I put my index and middle finger to my painful temple and look down at the floor, trying to focus on something to take away the pain. I suddenly look up, remembering I was at an intersection. Luckily, the light had just turned green.

I parked my car in the middle of the driveway; it was the easiest way since I could barely see through the storm and my pounding headache. I walk dazily inside and locate the medicine cabinet straight away.

"Allergy medicine....melatonin...hmm," I rummage around for a little, trying to find the ibuprofen. Sure enough, there was none to be found. Looking at myself in the mirror above the sink, I put my hands to my face. Acne, scars, eye bags, asymmetrical face.

"Ugh," I grunted aloud. Could this day get any worse? I decided the best solution would be to go to the nearest drug store and get some medicine for my throbbing headache.

"Carmen for the love of God, please make sure you don't lose your medicine this time," I mumbled to myself as I turned the key in the ignition.

Staring at the yellow line on the road, I coasted into the store. As I hopped out of my car, the rain poured down, soaking my hair and clothes.

This is such a long walk to the door I thought as I stumbled my way across the parking lot. The rain suddenly stopped pounding on my head. I look up and see a black umbrella protecting me.

"You look like you needed it," A voice from behind me said. I look over my shoulder to see a tall man looking down smirking at me. He had fluffy blonde hair and muscular arms. I could still feel the gaze of his bright green eyes on me after I looked away.

"Thank you so much," I said staring at the ground. "And you a-"

"Josh. Josh Grimm," He said as we met the front of the building. He jutted his hand out at me. He had large hands. I suddenly collected myself, realizing he was going in for a handshake. I firmly took his hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you," I said looking him in the eyes. They were hard to look away from.

"Oh I completely forgot to ask. What's your name?" He asked me, shaking off and closing his umbrella, still keeping intense eye contact.

"Oh m-my name is Carmen Gonzalez," I stuttered out. I slipped my hands into my pockets; I was fidgeting.

"That's a beautiful name," he stated, moving closer to me. "What're you here for in the middle of the afternoon?"

"Oh, I'm just picking up some ibuprofen. Terrible headache." Telling him, reminding myself of the terrible pain shooting through my head.

"Aw I'm sorry that your head hurts," He puts his hand on my shoulder. "It could be this weather," He gestures to the ceiling.

"What're you here for?" I ask him, now curious.

"Oh I just needed a few things. Need to pick up my meds. You know the usual." Thunder crackled outside and the rain fell harder and faster.

"It's really going out there, isn't it?" I ask Josh as we walk to the medicine aisle.

"Yeah.. it's a bummer I rode my bike. I thought the rain was gonna lighten up by the time I got out of here," I turned to look the the ibuprofen. It was up on the top shelf. I gave it all I had to try to reach the pill bottle myself, but I wasn't tall enough.

"Here, I got it," Josh effortlessly grabs the bottle for me.

"Oh... th-thanks," I nervously sputter, surprised he was still standing with me.

"I'm gonna go pick up my medicine. See you around?" He looks at me with his piercing green eyes.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah! Of course." I tell him. Then I remembered. The rain. His bike. "Oh- hey Josh? Do you need a ride? It could be dangerous out there on a bike. I have room for it in the back of my car," I suggest to him. He turns on his heel and looks back at me.

"Yeah, that would be great, actually. I biked a pretty long ways to get here. I'll get my meds and we can get outta here," He tells me. He turns and walks towards the counter. Finding the register, I grab a bottle of water out of the cooler and set it and the ibuprofen on the counter. Right after I paid, I went to find Josh.

"Got it paid for," He waved his bag in the air.

"Alright. Sounds good," I tell him as we head outside.

He opens his umbrella and puts it over the both of us, stopping the drops of rain from hitting our heads. Thunder crackled aggressively as we ran to the car.

"My lady," Josh says, opening my door. I giggle and climb in. He sits the umbrella and his bike in the back seat and climbs in the passenger seat.

"Wow this rain really picked up didn't it?" He asked me as I turned the key into the ignition.

"Yeah, it really has. Where did you say you lived again?" I asked him as I took a drink of water.

"I live pretty far away. About an hour. I live in the middle of nowhere and in this storm, it would take us a pretty long while to get there," He tells me, smirking. Is he implying that he wants to come over? I asked myself.

"Uhm... do you think it would be better to come to my house and stay for a while?" I asked him. I already knew his answer. It hit me. I'm taking a stranger places in my car. Isn't that frowned upon by almost everyone on the planet?

"Yeah that may be the best option. I wouldn't want you driving very far in this weather. That is unless it's an inconvenience for me to be coming over..." He trailed off.

"No no, it's alright you can come. I have an extra bedroom that's not being used, anyways." I tell him without thinking. Without another word said, I put my foot on the gas. The car hums as I pull out of the parking lot and drive towards my house.

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