Chapter Sixteen : To the End

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             Final Chapter : To The End

Danny POV :

Being in a wheel chair and on crutches really sucks, thank god today is the day I finally get to leave this hell hole.  

It's been 3 days since I woke from my coma and I've hated everyday of it.  It hasn't been all bad though, Kiesha and Jason have been keeping me company, even Tevin came which was really surprising since I didn't think him and Jason would get along but they did, for my sake.  

Jason has really impressed me though, he hasn't left my side apparently since I got here and he's even been helping me move around and stuff.

      Jason packed our bags with our belongings as we got ready to head out.

        Jason rolled me outside and I seen nothing but snow around.

"Damn, I forgot Christmas is tomorrow" I said shivering as the cold wind hit my bare arms and face

"Yep, and guess who you get to spend it with" Jason looked down at me smiling. He's so freakin' cute I can't stand it.  We got to the car and Jason helped me in and we immediately turned on the heat. I was exhausted so I just went to sleep while Jason drove.

     When I woke up we were driving past my house. I felt so many emotions at one time I couldn't even cry as I looked at it. Jason I could tell tried to ignore it but one tiny tear escaped his eye he wiped it and just stared at the road. I don't wanna talk to him about it right now.

               We pulled into Jasons driveway but Jason snapped his fingers in my face to keep from staring at the house

"I hope your ok with living with me, I know having to see this everyday might not be the first thing you wanna do" Jason said as he got out to get my crutches and wheel chair

"Don't worry. I'm just imagining it burning to the ground" I said scrunching my face up, Jason handed me my crutches and whispered to me,

"You can be mad, just not today. I got a surprise for you."

"What surprise?" I quickly said, he gave me that smirk that I love to hate,

"Stop worrying about it and come on" he opened and turned on the lights, people were popping out of places I didn't even know were in his house screaming

"Welcome Home Danny".

          "What is all of this Jason?" I asked,

"I told my mom you were leaving the hospital today, and she wanted to throw you a coming home party" I had this stupid look on my face at first but a slight grin came over it. Tevin, Jasons mom, and Kiesha all hugged me at once as the rest of Jasons friends, and family stood behind them.

        "Biiiitttttccchhh, welcome home, I missed you" Kiesha said, I missed her ghetto fabulous ass.

I chuckled "I missed you too Kiesha".

"Welcome home," Tevin said flashing me a slight grin, him and Jason had a brief stare down before I had to break it by speaking

"Thank you Tevin" I'm glad Tevin's here for me, I just hope him and Jason don't get into it.  I was smiling and laughing til' I laid my eyes on Tony.

"What is he doing here?" I asked Jason curious to whether or not he wanted his ass beat now or later,

"Don't be mad, I invited him" he said

"May I ask why?" I tried to keep calm like I was asked because it's not very cordial to 'cause a commotion at your own party

"I invited him because he's still my friend and I need you two to make up like we did" I straight faced as hard as i could but he gave me his puppy dog face and asked with a pleasee and I just coldn't resist

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