Chapter Nine : The Birthday Party

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Chapter Nine : The Birthday Party

Danny POV:

I know I'm supposed to be mad at Jason, but you gotta understand, this boy has got to me. I love him. I really do. But I'm catching feelings for Tevin and I really can't choose right now.

I was interrupted in deep thought as Jason was snapping his fingers in my face trying to refocus my attention.

"Danny, Danny !"

"What !?"

"Did you hear me?"

"No." I did, I wouldn't have asked.

"I asked if it was OK if me and Tony could come to your party Friday"

"The Fuck?" I said mean mugging Jason really hard.

"NO, YOU AND TONY MAY NOT COME TO MY PARTY" I pretty much yelled loud enough so that the whole class could hear me.

"Stop yelling. You making a scene."

"I don't give a fuck Jason ! I will turn this whole fucking school Out ! And You know that!"

"I promise we won't start nothing. I just wanna show love"

I faked huffed and puffed. I was actually kinda happy Jason wanted to come to my party. But I sure as hell don't want Tony there. But you know what Ima be a nice person. It's my birthday week. I don't need to stress about anything.

"Fine Jason. Yall can come."

"Forreal? Thanks" he said hugging me. I quickly pushed him off to maintain my fake attitude.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. And don't think that just cause Yall allowed to come to my party that I'm not pissed off anymore. I still wanna kick both of yall asses." I said with a blank expression.

- Later That Day

Kiesha POV:

Me and Danny is going party shopping today. He already got his birthday clothes a long time ago but he just wanted to come with me

We stopped in a few stores before I was ready to go. I walked in my favorite store only to see Natasha and Tony, baby shopping I'm guessing.

"That's cute" I said as I watched them laugh and giggle as they picked up clothes. I wanna

Tony POV:

"Are you sure he wants us there?" I said to Jason putting my white and black Jordans on.

"Yes. He said so himself. I'm sure he's not happy about it though"

I really was nervous going to this party. Not about Danny, more so about Keisha.

We got done getting dressed and walked over to Dannys house. It was packed outside and inside. He had one of the best Dj's in the city there, he had alcohol, girls where everywhere, Probably weed too cause I smelled smoke. He really went all out for his 16th birthday party.

Jason somehow convinced me to go say hi to Danny since we were at his birthday party. I didn't want to but it was his party so I had to show respect. When we got over to him he was standing with Tevin, he looked up to see us and immediately notice the change of attitude he had.

"Danny just calm down. We just came To say hi." Jason said.

There was an awkward silence for a moment before I finally decided to say something.

"Hi Danny" I said nervously with a smile, " Happy Birthday"

"Thank you" he said before he grabbed Tevin and walked away. He's still pissed at us.

The party was jumping for the rest of the night. The music was good, drinks were good, I even smoked a little bit. I see Kiesha standing in the corner all alone so I decided that this was a chance to apologize to her. I probably shouldn't have because as soon as I walked up to her she slapped me.

"Owwwww !!" I said in pain from the sting of the slap "wtf was that Kiesha?"

"For cheating on me with a bitch you got pregnant"

She walked away before I could say anything else. God, I really must have Fucked up everyone s life. Even my own.

Jason POV:

The party was over and I had the time of my life. Danny really knows how to throw a party.

I walked in the house and heard mom talking on the phone with her lil boo or whatever. To this day It freaks me out that they've been talking for a few months and he hasn't come over, mom says he's closer to us than what I think he is but whatever.

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