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requested by Kai_TanSkin :-

A jang hanseo x vincenzo oneshot

"And then... BAM...I ran out of the abandoned building and never.came.back."

A hiccuping chayoung said as she concluded her 'true horror story'. She then chugged her last shot of tequila and then stood up with a stagger in her steps.

chayoung then bid her goodbyes to both vincenzo and minseong. mr. nam, who was with her, told the boys that he will escort chayoung home.

with both chayoung and mr. nam gone, minseong shuffled his seat closer to vincenzo.

"So taeho since we're the only ones left in our friend group we can...get to know each other more"

minseong said with a smile visible on his features.

"That's a good idea"

vincenzo aka taeho responded. He and minseong clinked their shot glass drinks and drank the tequila in it.


Today at work was hectic for hanseo as usual so he decided to go to the nearest bar to drink his stress from work away.

hanseo parked his car in the parking lot. As he came out, he placed his hands in his pockets and whistled a tune as he made his way to the bar. When he arrived at the bar he ordered a margarita. He then downed the drink in one go

"Ahhh so refreshing"

hanseo muttered.

With some song playing in the background, his eyes wandered around the bar. His eyes then landed on one particular person. He smiled a tight lipped smile as he saw his most favourite person in the world he nicknamed as vinni.

Oh what a coincidence.

But his smile faded immediately when he saw vinni laughing along with someone else.

vincenzo... and minseong?

"My vincenzo is with minseong?!"

hanseo almost voiced out loud.

hanseo then took a breathing exercise inhaling and exhaling as to cool down the pent up anger built inside of him. He knew for a fact that vincenzo was not his to claim (in which he is already doing) but that feeling of jealousy is slowly encompassing him.

Ever since he met vincenzo, the boy somehow couldn't stop thinking about him. The thought of seeing vinni with someone else somehow highly irritated him.

hanseo took another drink of his margarita and contemplated while his eyes were still on vincenzo and minseong having a conversation while occasionally brushing against each other.

'That should be me instead of him'

While thinking, hanseo saw minseong's hand casually placed on vincenzo's thigh while he whispered something in his ear which caused vincenzo to erupts into giggles.

"Are they FLIRTING?!"

hanseo asked just a little bit too loud for everyone in the bar to hear including vincenzo and minseong who turned in his direction looking at him. I think they didnt hear him.

「𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓 ; 𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒏𝒛𝒐 𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 」Where stories live. Discover now