" Go." He commanded and swatted me outside, then locked the door and smiled on the other side.

" Fine." I said and began walking home.

I slipped on ( At Beginning )

And stood in front of the mirror, re adjusting everything and sighing.

Finally, I got the nerve to go. So, I did. I hopped back in Damon's car and drove to the mayor's house.

I pulled in and saw lots of people there, having fun and talking. I got up and out of the car, closing the door and gracefully walking up to the front door and seeing Tyler.

" Hey, Ty," I said as he looked at me, shocked.

" Hey, Lo," He said " You're...jaw dropping." He complimented as I smiled a bit.

" Thanks." I said and walked past him and inside.

I took a drink off a tray a waiter was carrying, and walked to see Elena standing alone.

" Hey," I said and saw her and all her beauty.

" Oh, aren't you.." She trailed off " Oh, Duh, Stefan's girlfriend." She said as I smiled and nodded, looking around.

" Where is Stefan?" I asked as she pointed to the dining room.

I walked in and saw Stefan, in a suit and all.

" Hey," I said as he looked up.

" Oh, I thought you weren't coming." He said and walked over to me, kissing my forehead.

" Well, I was gonna clean up at the grill, letting Matt come, but then Damon came and made me leave saying he was gonna clean up." I explained as he raised an eyebrow.

" Wait, wait, what? Damon? Cleaning?" He asked as I shrugged.

" Or most likely he's gonna get someone to clean up for him." I said as he nodded, then Elena came in.

" May I have this dance?" Stefan asked Elena, but I stood there like an idiot.

But, my heart went in my stomach when he took Elena. Something shattered, something cried inside.

I closed my eyes and breathed in and out. After awhile, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

" Bonnie?!" I asked as I saw her standing there " Are you okay?" I asked as she nodded slightly.

" It was good seeing you an all, but I'm gonna go, tell Stefan I left." I said and went towards the front door and out to Damon's car.

I got home and to my room gracefully, I slid off my dress and slipped on sweatpants and a tank top.

I walked downstairs and to Damon, him sitting on the couch with a drink in his hand.

" Are you still protecting Elena?" I asked as he nodded.

" She's the key to everything, so yeah, we have to protect her." He said and looked at me as I sighed.

" But, why would Stefan choose her over me?" I asked, as he shrugged.

" Thanks." I sighed and moped upstairs, and to Stefan's room.

" Well, look who we have here," A voice said behind me, I knew it was Stefan.

" Why'd you choose her over me?" I asked, not looking at him as I heard him sigh.

" Klaus could be anywhere, Lola, and you know that." He spoke and wrapped his arms around my waist, leaning his head on my shoulder

" But, one dance couldn't have killed her." I muttered as he sighed.

" Well, what could I do to repay you?" He asked as I shrugged.

" I don't know, maybe a kiss," I said as he smiled, he leaned down and cupped my face, leaning in and kissing me.

" Well not to sound like a jealous girlfriend or anything, but I was a jealous girlfriend." I confessed as he chuckled and ran a hand through my hair, pulling me in his arms.

" I understand." He comforted me and rubbed my back.

" Would you ever leave town?" I asked as he sighed.

" With everything that's going on, I don't think I could." He said and smiled slightly, then left the room and went downstairs.

I walked around his room for a bit more, then felt the grogginess come over me. I felt tired, I guess.

I walled over to his bed, pulling the covers back and getting comfortable.

I wanted to cry, I wanted him to hold me, I didn't like being alone.

I eventually fell asleep.

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