War Day 2: Stupidity can't be cured!

Start from the beginning

Endeavor: You have something against my parenting method?

Recovery Girl: Yes a couple of things!

Endeavor: I do not need to listen to this!

Recovery Girl: Ragdoll, Mirko, do you want to hunt someone too?

Mirko: Well somewhat yes.

Ragdoll: Definitely.

Grand Torino: Oh I see where this is going and I like it.

Recovery Girl: Then how about you play a game of tag with Endeavor?

Hound Dog: Pfff-ahhahahaha

Endeavor: Haven't you learned anything, you stupid dog?

Hound Dog: I did and I didn't say anything to you. Besides haven't you learned anything?

Ragdoll: Obviously not.

Endeavor: This is stupid! Let's continue watching!

time skip brought to you by Hawks loving his decision to join the villains team

Mirko: Oh man, why is he allowed to get into the game and we are not?

Ragdoll: I agree! I want to play with them too!

Sir Nighteye: I have no world for you.

Gran Torino: You just want to be in there yourself and get back at Izuku.

Sir Nighteye: No comment.

Gran Torino: hahaha

Hound Dog: You know; I would actually love to participate into this one too. For now, everything is normal.

Recovery Girl: Keyword for now.

Ectoplasm: I would love to pass on that opportunity if it ever arises.

Thirteen: Yeah me too. I would surrender immediately.

Mandalay: I think we are all in this, right pussycats?

Ragdoll: There is no need to ask that.

Pixie-Bob: You heard her!

Tiger: Totally!

Endeavor: Oh I would totally love to torture them all. Aham I mean to play with them.

Recovery Girl: Oh I am sure he would get to you first.

Grand Torino: Totally.

Sir Nighteye: Him?

Hound Dog: It's actually scary to see that they can communicate telepathically.

time skip brought to you by class 1B finally getting deciding to work together and make a solid plan

Sir Nighteye: Finally, some brain form class 1B!

Gran Torino: It was about time.

Recovery Girl: I need to say class 1A was unexpectedly more cautious. I would have bet that Bakugo would go after Izuku.

Thirteen: Right?

Hound Dog: That guys just has some anger issues.

Recovery Girl: So you wanna talk to him later?

Hound Dog: Nope.

Thirteen: You do know that it is your job, right?

Hound Dog: No, my job is to talk with them if they got some problems and not talk to an angry ass Pomeranian that will explode any second. I am not that tired of life yet, thank you very much.

Ectoplasm: Good point.

Recovery Girl: Did you even had any work at all until now?

Hound Dog: Good question and next question please.

time skip brought to you by Mei loving all the explosion she was allowed to make

Ragdoll: I like that girl!

Mirko: That even surprised me.

Sir Nighteye: That was reckless as heck.

Gran Torino: You were young once too.

Sir Nighteye: People could have gotten hurt.

Recovery Girl: Don't be like that. As you can see no one was close to the drone before it explodes and besides if we are talking about recklessness we do have a giant torch that loves to put things on fire. A true pyromaniac.

Grand Torino: hahahaha. Roosted.

Endeavor: Say old hag, do you have a problem with me.

Mirko: Oh he shouldn't have said that.

Mandalay: Well you can't expect something else form a stupid person.

Recovery Girl: I sincerely believe he has a death wish or are my ears gone bad already. I do believe he called me old hag just right now.

Thirteen: You should run.

Endeavor: I am not scared of an old scarecrow like you!

Recovery Girl: That's it, come here!

Recovery Girl readied her cane in her hand and began to go after Endeavor who was to stupid not to run away. The moment Recovery Girl was by his side and whacked him with her cane, he was out cold but that didn't matter for her. She continues whacking as if she wanted to send him six feet under.

time skip brought to you by Aizawa panicking because Izuku wasn't returning

Ragdoll: You know the villains are acting kinda strange.

Endeavor still hadn't recovered from all the whacking and Recovery Girl was not sitting on top of him finding the heat to be just perfect.

Recovery Girl: From the looks of it, they are searching for something.

Gran Torino: More like someone.

Ragdoll: Oh You mean Midoriya. Was he going from one villain to the other.

Sir Nighteye: He probably is just walking around.

Pixie-Bob: Ahm we have a more urgent matter.

Tiger: What the fuck is that?

Pixie-Bob: Are those Crows?

Mirko: What are they doing?

Hound Dog: They are obviously flying around the drone.

Ectoplasm: We can see that.

Hound Dog: Why ask then?

Mirko: Oh great now all we can see is black feathers.

Endeavor: I have a feeling that Hawks would have loved to see that. He is one of them after all.

Hound Dog: Upgrade from Chicken to Raven.

Ragdol: Pfff-hahahaha

Ragdol: Pfff-hahahaha

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