
"So." You start nervously. You and Soojin are in the car, on the way to your parent's place. "I did something stupid after I went back to my room last night" You let out a hesitant chuckle. Soojin's fingers stop typing on her phone as abruptly looks up at you, eyes widening. 

"Please tell me you didn't text Yoongi, right?" She asks with a slightly threatening tone. You smile timidly and say, "No I didn't text him." You pause and Soojin lets out a sigh of relief before you continue. "Actually, I called him." You say carefully. You try to keep your eyes on the road as you hear her gasp and then choke on air, "What?" She exclaims out of sheer horror. You wince at her loud voice. You look ahead and realise that this is your moment to avoid, or at least postpone the conversation that is to come after this admission. "Oh look, we're here." You say, trying to sound like the last 5 minutes didn't occur in the first place. You park the car in the driveway before you hesitantly turn around to find your best friend glaring at you. 

"Oh come on Soojin-ah, I promise I'll tell you everything. Just stop staring at me like that." She sighs and says, "Fine, but you have to tell me every single detail of what you've done so I can help you with damage control." You nod as you unbuckle your seatbelt and get out of the car. 

You knock on the door and can't help but smile when you hear your daughter shout, "Mommy is here!" from inside. Soon, the door opens and you come face to face with your mother. She smiles warmly at you and brings you in for a hug, "How's my lovely daughter?" She asks as you pull away. You smile at her and say, "I'm alright, Mom. How are you doing? I hope Yeona didn't bother you too much?" She chuckles as she shakes her head, "No, no. My granddaughter is a lovely little girl, she's never a bother." She looks behind you and her expression changes to one of excitement. Your mother loves Soojin and couldn't meet her when you had come to drop Yeona off because she was waiting in the car.

"Soojin!" She exclaims. She goes past you to hug her. "How are you, Sweetheart?" Soojin laughs as she hugs her back. "I'm great. How are you, Aunty?" She says and your mother replies, "I'm good too. Come in, both of you. Yeona's waiting for you eagerly and I have made chocolate muffins for you both." She says as you walk inside behind her. 


You sigh as you plop down on your couch, Soojin sits down beside you after taking a sleeping Yeona to lay her down in her bed as she fell asleep on the drive back. You spent the entire day at your mother's place, coming home just now after dinner. You lay your head against the couch, closing your eyes. Even though you all stayed in, it was a tiring day overall. Yoongi still hasn't gotten back to you. You're trying to avoid thinking about it as much as possible and to be honest it was easy to do so too as you were around people all day. Now that you're home, you know your mind will have to deal with the oncoming conversations. Both with Yoongi and with Soojin.

As if on queue, Soojin speaks up, "So, now you don't have excuses. Yeona's asleep. We still have time to hang out. So tell me, what did you do last night?". You knew this was coming. You take a deep breath and tell her everything. Starting from the text you got from him last night to the text you got from him this morning. She listens to you quietly, without passing any comments or making any judgements. You end your rant by telling her how you called him in the morning but he didn't pick up and hasn't returned your call yet.

"So, what I'm getting from this is that you actually spoke about how you were feeling for once?" She says. You open your mouth to defend yourself but she continues speaking, "Y/N, before you get defensive, you and I both know what you're really like. You never tell anyone if you're hurting because you think you'll come across as a "weak" person. I think it was good that you got drunk and vented on the phone to him. He needs to know how much pain his actions are causing you. I hope he realises what he's putting you through. Just so you know, you are not weak. The way you're handling this is tremendous but having said that, you're allowed to be sad too. You're allowed to break down too. It doesn't make you "weak", it makes you human. Now, I want you to pick up when he calls and speak your mind. He needs to hear it." She finishes. 

"But that's the thing, Soo. I have spoken my mind a thousand times now. Hell, I even broke down in front of him but it didn't make any difference. He still chose her. He heard me and continued to do this to me and our family." You say, your voice breaking at the end. Pain and concern take over Soojin's face as she brings you into a hug, rubbing your back gently. "I won't say it's okay, my love. This really isn't okay. You shouldn't have to go through this. He is one hell of an asshole to do this to you especially when all this time you did nothing but support him and his dreams. You don't deserve this. I promise you, you will find happiness soon." She speaks gently as you cry on her shoulder. You stay like this for a few minutes before you calm down and pull away, wiping your eyes. "Thanks a lot, Soojin-ah. I'm so glad you're here. I don't what I would've done without you." You tell her and she smiles. 

"I'm glad I'm here too. I missed you so much while I was away." She says to which you reply with an "I missed you so much as well." She laughs when you tackle her in a hug again and says "Okay, now go to bed. You have work tomorrow." You nod and get up, wishing her "good night" before leaving for your room.


You lay in your bed scrolling on Instagram after changing into more comfortable clothes and doing your nighttime routine. Right after you set your alarm for the next day, you get a call from Yoongi. Instantly your nerves start to act up. You take a deep breath to calm yourself down before answering the call. 

"Hello?" You speak into the phone. 

"Hey Y/N, so sorry for calling this late. I just got out of practice. It was a busy day today" He says. 

"Yeah that's okay, I figured." You reply. It was as you expected. He was in practice. 

"Yeah." After he says that there a long pause between you both. However, it's not awkward. You both just sit there in silence, listening to each other's breathing. It shouldn't be, but hearing his breath is almost comforting. It's a pattern you know by heart. It's a pattern that you had learned to love. 

After a few moments pass, you decide to speak up, "So, you wanted to talk to me?" You ask. 

He takes a few seconds before he replies, "Uh, yeah just wanted to make sure you're okay. You seemed quite drunk last night." You can sense that he's a bit nervous. You don't understand why though. He's never been nervous around you, even when he told you about his affair, he wasn't nervous. So, why now?

You don't ask the question plaguing your mind. Instead, you say, "Oh, yeah I'm fine. Soojin is here, as you saw last night. We had our movie night, last night so I had a little too much of the wine she got." You explain and he replies with a hum. 

"So, that's all you wanted to ask?" You ask. He says yes to which you ask your last question, "Oh, okay so shall I hang up now? I need to wake up early for work tomorrow." 

"Uh, yeah." He says. 

"Okay then. Bye, Yoongi" You're about to hang up when you hear him speak up again. 

"Wait, Y/N!" He almost shouts. 

"Yeah?" You ask. 

"Uhh, I know you said to not contact you if it's not for Yeona, but can we meet once, please? Whenever you're free. I really need to talk to you." He says. You can tell that he's even more nervous now. You know he wouldn't ask you to meet him if it's not important. After all, he's got nothing to do with you anymore, right?

So, after pondering over what to say for a few moments you finally say, "Okay, how about lunch this week, whenever your schedule allows?" 

He sounds really happy when he says, "Yes! okay. I'll text you the date and other details." 

You don't know what to expect from this and that scares you. 




Another update after such a long time hehe. Hope you like it.  I wanted to explore Y/N's relationships outside hers and Yoongi's life in this chapter. 

Please vote and comment!

Cherry. xxx

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