I sniffle and he leans into my cheek, placing loads of little kisses.

"What are you doing?" I ask him curiously through my crying, he stops kissing me for a second to speak and wipe my tears.

"I'm gonna kiss every single fucking beautiful freckle you have." He smirks.

I blush at his words and he goes back to kissing me, I lean into his touch, loving the affection and care he showers me in.

Maybe I'm not so disgusting after all, Kacchan loves me.

I smile at my thoughts that are happy for once. Kacchan stops kissing my cheeks and smirks in success.

"I fuckin did it. But there's just one more place I missed." He leans in a bit.

"And where's that?" I ask smiling at him.

"Right here." He smiles at me one more time before leaning in all the way.

He connects our lips and kisses me lovingly.

I kiss back for a while before we pull away. I softly smile at him.

"Cuddles?" I ask him.

"Oh yeah, fucking cuddle time." He smirks and plops us onto the bed, I giggle.

I rest my head on his chest and place my leg over his. I sigh in contentment.

"Hey Kacchan?" I speak up again, enjoying our cuddles.

"What's up love?" He asks and hugs me closer.

"Well if you d-don't mind me asking.. uh why did you save me when we first met?" I question.

His body stiffens from the question, visibly nervous.

"B-but you don't have to answer! Don't worry about it." I anxiously add in. He chuckles at me.

"Don't worry babe it's all good. Anyway I guess I should tell you."

I stay quiet and get ready to listen to his story. He takes a deep breath to calm down.

"Well I used to have this friend.. a really close one too. His name was Tsubasa. He was kind and a little bit of a prankster. Heh I think that was part of his charm." He laughs sadly.

"Well anyway he didn't have many friends besides me, people always disliked him for his weight which I personally think should never matter. He got bullied.. really really bad." Tears start to well up in Kacchans eyes and I frown, hugging him tighter.

He clears his throat before speaking again.

"H-he got bullied so bad that one d-day in middle school I guess he couldn't take it so he jumped. E-ended his life in front of my eyes." Tears were now spilling down his cheeks and his voice cracked, I wiped them away.

"And when I saw you trying to kill yourself too I j-just got so many memories and couldn't help but reach out to save you like I couldn't with Tsubasa."

I smiled sympathetically and continued to wipe his tears.

"Kacchan you're such a wonderful person. I'm sure your friend would be so proud of you."

His bottom lip wobbled and he held me tighter. I just stayed in his embrace and let him snuggle me for comfort.

"Thank you baby. God I just love you so much." He nuzzled his head into my messy green locks.

"Mm I love you too."

He yawned as my eyelids drooped.

"Goodnight love, sleep well." He whispered to me.

I smiled at the nickname.

"Goodnight Kacchan."


Yayy another chapter! Tried my best to make it emotional 😌

Sorry if it sucks btw! Wrote this at 3 am and was half way falling asleep but sleep is for the weak ('̀-'́)

1062 words


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