The Perfect Distraction

Start from the beginning

"Sure." He answered.

"Rules though, no trying to teach me or change me into Cobra Kai and I won't do the same thing to you with Miyagi-Do. Second, we are not trying to hurt each other, and third, when I say stop, we stop. You got that." I asked, sternly. 

"Roger that." He said, bringing his hand up and saluting me, a small smile playing on the corner of his lips. 

We both slip off our shoes and walk over to a really soft patch of sand. When we find it we both look to one another and bow, both of us chuckling while doing so. "You ready to get beat?" 

"Ready to beat your ass, hell yeah?" I stated, bringing my hands up to guard my face. He scoffs and we both start to circle one another. Hawk quickly brings his hands up and throws a left hook towards my head, I duck quickly and go for a leg sweep. He jumps over my leg and tries to kick me in the face, I throw myself on my stomach and roll out of the way. I quickly jump up onto my feet and kick him in the side, causing him to stumble. He looks at me with a smirk. 

We start to circle each other again watching each other's movements and steps. Following the code where I am to never attack first, I let Hawk make the first move. I swung his leg up and kicked off the ground, performing a roundhouse to my head. I move my arm up and block the kick, he lands and does a turning kick, trying to land it on my side. I block again and throw a counter punch towards him. 


We continued to spar for a half hour later and here we are, still sparing. Hawk throws three punches in a row, trying to catch me off guard. I block all three and decide to try to kick him. I bring my leg up to kick him in the side when he catches my leg and throws me on the sand. I try to get up by pushing myself up by the forearms but am stopped by Hawk sitting on my legs and keeping me down.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. 

"I'm sparing." He answered, a smirk apparent on his face. "Hey, why'd you invite me to spar anyway?" He asked, refusing to move. 

I rolled my eyes and leaned back onto my forearms. "Because I needed a distraction and I thought of you first. I already told you that." I tell him.

"Yeah, but why me?" He asked, leaning towards me slightly. 

"Because I missed hanging out with you, honestly. I mean, Sam's great, but she's not, you." I say looking up at him. The moon was shining in my eye, kind of blinding me a bit but also giving me a full face view of Eli. 

He chuckled. "Well, I missed you too. Again, I really am sorry for what I did to you and Demetri, I regret it. I'm sorry." He answered. 

"It's okay, I don't hold grudges." I shrug. 

He chuckled and looked off into the distance. "You know you can tell me anything, right? Just because we don't follow the same karate code doesn't mean your not my friend. We were friends before enemy's and I'm here for you, whenever you need." He looked back in my eyes, smiling. 

"Thanks." I told him, giving him a small smile. He nods and starts to move his leg off me. Without thinking, and I know I'll probably regret it later, I grabbed the front of his shirt and pull him downward, smashing my lips on his. At first he was shocked but he soon relaxed and started kissing me back. His lips were soft and moved against mine harshly and rough, like he was desperate. My mind automatically compared it to the kiss I shared with Robby, which was soft and gentle, the complete opposite of what was happening here. 

Snap out of it!  My head yelled at me. I automatically stopped thinking about it and just decided to enjoy this. I mean, I liked Eli, he was nice, kind and honest. I was snapped out of my head when I started to feel his one hand slip around my waist and pull me closer to him. His smell was the same as the hoodie, like campfires and marshmallows, it was a good smell. I brought my hand up to cup his face, feeling his soft skin underneath my fingertips. I kept my other arm underneath me so he didn't have to hold my whole body weight, while his other hand was placed on the ground right beside mine, our fingers linked. 

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