Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I wake up to the sound of Ezra’s alarm clock. I turn over to see Ezra sound asleep, he can sleep through anything. I reach around Ezra’s body for the snooze button trying to not wake him up. I see Ezra’s eyes blink and his legs stretch out.


“Hi” I say while quickly moving my arm back feeling embarrassed.

Ezra smiles while he turns over and presses the snooze button. Once he turns back over I advert my eyes while closing them. I pretend to have fallen asleep. I try not to smile as I feel his blue eyes glare at me.

“Oh, I didn’t realize that my girlfriend was sleeping beauty” He says as he grabs my waist and tickles.

I begin to laugh and scream at the same time. My eyes tear up from trying to keep the laughter down. Ezra stops after I start to scream louder. I look at him in the eyes and feel a great sensation. I lean in and kiss him. His hand rubs my check as I play with his black curly hair. We break apart smiling and just lay there enjoying each other’s presence.

I admire his perfect jawbone and majestic blue eyes that I would love to take a swim in everyday without a doubt. Ezra wraps his arms around my body and pulls me closer. After a while, he gets up off the bed and walks into the bathroom. I hear the shower turn on. I always loved Saturdays because we had the whole day to spend together. I start to think off some plans for the day, but the only one that seems fun is staying here. I quickly smile thinking of an idea that just popped into my head.

I take off my clothes and wrap a towel around my body. I sneak inside the bathroom to hear Ezra humming some song from the 90’s. I quickly jump into the shower and take off the towel. He was washing his hair with his eyes closed. He didn’t seem to notice me at first, so I just stood there for a second until he got all the shampoo out.

“Whoa” Ezra says as he opens his eyes, “Aria”

“So, Mr. Fitz do you let all your students into the shower with you?”

“Only the cute ones” He chuckles.

I smile and lean in to kiss him, but instead he grabs me by waist and pulls me under the water. I try to breathe and kiss him at the same time which is a lot harder than I thought.

After a warm long shower we watch some old movies. This is pretty much what we did every Saturday. Half way through the second movie Ezra decided to leave to get some French vegan food. I sit on his bed looking up at the ceiling remembering all the memories we’ve had in this apartment. I laugh thinking about the time we took photos with the antique camera Ezra bought me on my first and last day working at the photography shop.

This just reminds me of the money Ezra had hid in his sock drawer from the jag. They were so many good memories, but there were also horrible ones that I wanted to forget. I get up off the bed and watch some T.V. Ezra walks in holding his keys in one hand, a takeout bag in the other, and another bag in his mouth. I got up and grabbed the bag in his hand. I grabbed the one stuck in his teeth, and as soon I had it in my hand he leaned down and kissed me.

“Thank you” Ezra says.

I hear my phone beep which sends a shiver down my spine thinking about A.


Just wondering what time you will home today.


I sigh not wanting to leave. I look over at Ezra who is getting out some drinks and putting the takeout on the table. I smile a little thinking how nice it would be to stay here every day. Waking up every morning to Ezra’s face would be a fantasy that I could only imagine. I text my mom back.


Hanna is having a really hard time with Caleb right now, I think that I will stay over at her house tonight. Is that is okay?


I look over at Ezra and ask.

“Hey, can I stay over here tonight?”

“What! Two nights in a row. You must really like me”

“No Ezra, I must really love you” I respond back.

He smiles sits down at the table. I then get a text from my mom.

Yeah, that’s fine…I was actually thinking about going out tonight with some friends


I sit down at the table next to Ezra.

“So, then you are staying tonight. Right?”

“Yeah, unless you have other plans” I say with a smile.

“Well, I was thinking about going out to have some fun, but I guess I will stay here”

“Oh, it’s okay. I can go”

We laugh and before I know it, it’s ten o’clock. I climb in bed and Ezra follows, he jumps into the bed causing it to shake. I look at him with my ‘why’ look, but then giggle a little.

“So your birthday is in two days, should we celebrate early?” Ezra asks.

“How early are we talking?”

“Like tomorrow”

“I don’t know, maybe we could go to dinner in Philadelphia” I suggest.

“That sounds good, we will talk more about it tomorrow”

We cuddle up and I quickly fall asleep in Ezra’s warm arms. 

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