Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

The peaceful sunlight soon drifts off, and only quick flashes of lighting illuminate the sky.  I look down at my phone to check the weather, but then notice that I have no service.

 I can't even check which direction we are headed, we must be out in the middle of nowhere. I look over at Ezra who has spoke a little and only gave me one hint of where we are going.

"We are going to a wonderful place. An adventurous place." Ezra said.

"Will this 'wonderful and adventurous place' be far away?"

"You sure do ask a lot of questions"

Suddenly, thunder rocks the car and brings me out of my thoughts. The rain starts seconds later. At first it only dots the windshield which splatters into tiny water droplets. Then like a waterfall, the rain pounds against the car and blinds us. I can only see the blurry headlights that cover about five feet of the road.

"Ezra, we should probably pull over and wait till we can actually see the road"

Ezra glances over at me and sighs.

"Okay" He mutters, "We still have about half an hour till we get there"

"And where is this 'there'?" I ask while Ezra pulls over to the shoulder.  

"I told you, it's a surprise" Ezra says, "You really think that I would give up that easily?"

"Yeah, but now that we are stuck on the side of the road..."

"No" Ezra laughs, "I just want to surprise you. Is that so bad?"

"Yes" I say seriously.

Ezra turns off the car and lays his seat all the way down. I follow him as I press the sun roof button, so we can look up and see the raindrops splat down on the window. I turn over towards Ezra and stare at his perfect jawbones and soft cheeks.

"Are you getting cold?" Ezra asks.

"Umm...I guess a little" As soon as I say it, a shiver goes down my spine and spreads through my now cold toes.

I see a little smile spread across Ezra's face and he bites his lip while staring into my eyes. His eyes advert to the backseat. I automatically freeze realizing what he is thinking.

"Ezra...No" I exclaim while trying not to laugh.

His eyes widen and lips purse together as he shift to the edge of his seat and then jumps to the back. Ezra's dives to the back seat head first and in the process his feet get stuck on the console.

Ezra grunts as he pulls his body up onto the back seat. He lays across the seat and looks over at me.

"Come on" He begs.

"There isn't enough room"

"Yes, trust me there is room" Ezra replies.

I sigh and look at him for a second to make sure he is actually serious. I laugh just thinking about stupid we will look to anybody passing by, but then again there are no cars in a mile radius of us. My body moves before my mind and I quickly plunge toward the back seat. I press my body into Ezra trying not to fall off the seat.

"Can you move back just a little? I think I need at least three fourths of my body of the seat to be comfortable"

"Umm..." Ezra laughs. He grabs my back and pulls me closer to his body.

"That's the best I can do. We can always change spots"

I burst out laughing and Ezra follows. I can't help, but press my lips into his. Ezra quickly stops laughing as he catches his breath and forces his lips back into mine. My head leans back a little and I realize that I am almost on the car floor. I fall back and my feet touch the floor as my torso and head are still up next to Ezra's body.

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