Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Even though it has only been a three and a half weeks since the whole Jackie incident, it doesn't really seem we had a fight. Everything is back to normal, like nothing ever happened. Ezra and I are pretty much the same, we spend our weekends relaxing on the couch and have Chinese every Wednesday night. Each day is just one day closer to graduation. In six weeks I will be dressed in a cap and gown walking across the stage for my diploma. It's hard to believe.

I am extremely excited to graduate, but also scared about my relationship with Ezra. Who knows what will happen. I just don't want anything to change. I can't believe I did, but I kind of agreed to stay with Ezra during the summer.

Ezra has asked me to move in several times and I always say that this summer can be like a test run. If this temporary move works out then I might consider it being permanent. I just don't want to take the huge leap of moving in together until I am positive that it will work out. I don't want to move in and then a month later run back to my parents.

There is just one problem, my parents have no clue that I have been sleeping over at Ezra's apartment. I have been pushing it to the side for a while now and know it's way more than a little white lie. They always think I am out with one of the girls, I have no idea how to tell them that I have been lying all this time. Then again, maybe I don't have to? Maybe I can just ask them if I can stay over with Ezra after graduation. They would never have to know that I have spent the night before. I guess that's a good plan.

"Hey Ezra"                                                                                            

"Love you babe" Ezra says without looking away from the computer. It looks like he is updating the gradebook.  I remember when Ezra would procrastinate and would have to stay up all night to get all the grades in before the semester ends.

"I am going to take a shower" I hint.


My eyes stare him down as my body cringes, Ezra can never take a hint. I just sigh and walk away leaving Ezra working intently on the laptop. Once I get in the shower, I start to hum some pop song hoping that Ezra would hear and get jealous. For some reason, I actually start to dance, it's like the music took over my body. I totally forget where I am, my eyes close as the small hums turn into lyrics.

As soon as I know it, I am imagining myself singing at a concert in front of thousands of people while everyone screams my name. This is one of those things that I do when I have too much energy and excitement. My feet slide across the wet floor as I can imagine Ezra laughing outside the bathroom door.

My foot accidently crosses the other while dancing. I slide to the right and my foot slips underneath the other causing me to fall out through the curtain and over the side. I collide with the corner of the counter causing my head to gash. I immediately scream, I could feel my skull crack as it made contact with the sharp corner. I only have enough air to let out one scream, and that seemed like enough because before I knew it Ezra was pounding at the door. Did I lock the door? I don't remember, but the door knob is being rattled while the moves only a little forward.

"ARIA" I hear, but I can't respond.

I lift my head up a little bit to just see a puddle of blood oozing out of my skull. I can't stand the sight of blood, my heart begins to race as my mind drifts away. Did I really hit my head that hard? I start to close my eyes, but I am then startled by the sound of someone knocking the door down. In just a few seconds, the door flies open and I see Ezra rush towards me.

"Aria, what happened?" Ezra says as he reaches over to the towel. Ezra gently puts pressure on my head as he holds me tight up against his warm chest. Instead of feeling very embarrassed from being on the cold floor naked, I feel relieved that I Ezra is here. I feel his hands touch my waist as he picks me up and moves me to the couch.

"Aria, stay here for a second" He says while laying me down.

I hear him run over across the room toward the bed. I hear a drawer, open and then quickly close.

"Aria, I am going to get you dressed. Okay?"

"O-kay" I stutter trying to keep my head up.

He slides me into some gray oversized sweatpants and one of his old t-shits that reaches mid-thigh. Ezra keeps telling me to press and hold the towel to my wound, but I can barely keep my arm up.


"Hmm" I say.

"Let me see" He touches my hand that held the towel.

I let my hand go once he grasps it, I feel his hand pull the towel away, but applies it back to my head quickly with more pressure.

"Aria, I might have to take you to the hospital. I have to admit that it's a pretty deep cut"

I just nod my head, or at least I think I do. Ezra picks me up while still applying pressure to my head as he makes his way toward the car. I close my eyes and just snuggle up his arms.

"Aria, I need you to hold the towel to your head as I drive you to the hospital, okay?"

"Sure" I say while Ezra gently places me in the passenger seat.

I try to hold the bloody towel to my head, but my arm soon gets weak. I just hold it there, examining Ezra's jawline as he drives recklessly. As we pull up to the front of the hospital, Ezra slams on the brakes, and jumps out of the car. I see him sprint inside like The Flash to get help while my vision begins to blur. I sit there waiting and praying that Ezra will come out soon.




Thank you so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed.

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