Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I was woken up by the sunlight beating in through the windows. I feel Ezra’s arms around me and almost simultaneously he slowly opens his eyes and looks over at me while smiling.  His arms squeeze me tight as he sighs.

“Morning” He whispers while yawning.

I softly kiss him. We lay in bed for the next twenty minutes just holding each other trying to get ahold of the energy to get up. I was the first to get out of bed and he followed. I walk over to the bathroom and take a quick shower. When I step out I smell freshly brewed coffee. I wrap my body in a warm towel, but then notice a hickie in the mirror on my neck. I smile just thinking about Ezra’s reaction. I get changed and head out to see Ezra flipping pancakes.

“Hey, I see that you are cooking”


I wrap my arms around him and kiss his shirtless back. He turns around and softly kisses me on the forehead, but then laughs while looking at my neck.

“I know that I shouldn’t be laughing, but it’s just so cute that you have a memory of our night.”

“Well, it’s not like I did it to myself. There was help” I smile as he gently kisses me.

He slowly pulls back and keeps on flipping the pancakes.

“So what’s our plans for today” I ask while sitting on the couch.

“Oh I was thinking about driving up to Phili and having a romantic lunch unless you want to stay here to watch movies and play checkers.

“Let me think, the lunch sounds nice, but the whole sitting around doing nothing part sounds spectacular too. I can’t decide” I say.

“I think that we should go to that lunch” Ezra adds in.

“Yeah, I guess that will be fun too” I say trying to hold back the laughter.




We finally get out the door at 11:45 and start heading toward Philadelphia. I hold Ezra’s hand throughout the ride and snuggle up close to him. I have always felt safe with him. Ezra soon gets a call that interrupts my wonderful thoughts.

“Hello?” Ezra says.

I can hear some mumbles in the background as Ezra’s face fills with sadness. I see his eyes tear up as he pulls to the side of the road. I look at him confused. What was happening on the other side of the phone? He pulls his phone away from his ear, having a shocked expression on his face.

“Ezra, what’s wrong?” I ask while I squeeze his hand tighter.

“My mom-” He replies trying to wipe away the tears, “she got into a car crash about an hour ago. The doctor said that she died instantly.”

My eyes widen and my mouth opens slightly. How could have this have happened? Ezra turns the car off while I awkwardly hug him trying to pull the car’s armrests out of the way. He lays his head on my shoulder and we sit there for a long time. I have never had to really comfort someone from a death. I have no idea what to do. Should I give him some space for a while? Does he want to go to his mother’s house right now? Should I call Spencer to come pick me up? Should I call Wesley? All these thoughts jumble throughout my brain without any answers. I just sit there and wait for Ezra to talk.

“I think that we should head back to my apartment” Ezra sniffles.

“Yeah, umm…sure” I say while shaking my head.

Ezra starts the engine and we take off back towards his apartment. The whole ride back was silent, I had no idea what to say. It frustrated me so much that I had no idea how to help him get through this, I felt worthless.

As soon as we get to his apartment, Ezra goes to take a shower. I think about leaving a note and leaving, but I thought I wouldn’t want someone to do that to me. Instead, I just sit on the couch and wait. After what seems to be a while, I hear the water turn off. I jolt to my feet as though I was caught doing something illegal. Ezra walked out wearing a navy colored robe, he immediately sat down on the couch ignoring my presence. I glare at him confused wondering if he will speak first. I slowly sit back down on the other side of the couch again without taking my eyes off of him.

“Ezra” I say.


“Do you need anything? I just-” I stutter “Just don’t know how to help you.”

“I don’t need anything, but I would really like to be alone right now” He replies while staring at the blank T.V. in front of us.


I quickly grab my purse and walk out the door trying to be silent. I grab my car keys as I walk down the stairs. I jump into my car and lay my forehead down on the wheel. I begin to cry a little, but then I start the engine and start driving. 




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