She was one of the most famous designers in the UK, known for her lingerie company, which came out of nowhere and just about every woman had an item from her, and she was even branching out into men's underwear.

Mariam had seen letter after letter for the internship and then stumbled upon Naomi's. She found a few others and invited them all for interviews, but Naomi was unique in what she said and she wanted to test out how she'd fit in at the company.

Today, Mariam was watching Naomi's photo shoot director skills.

Switching into professional mode, Naomi put down her notepad of tasks she had to handle previously and stepped into the middle of the room.

"Okay, Sean this is going to be the Valentines Day collection, I need you to use your eye and get visually creative. I want you to make the angels seem playful, cute, fun, engaging and enticing" Naomi directed the photographer

"Lights! Lights I need to be a warm, but daring shade of red, and if it isn't red, I want pink. Pink and red, only, unless I say otherwise" Naomi shouted to the light people, as they turned on every red light they possibly could

"Shannon, okay so" Naomi laughed as she explained to the model what she wanted to achieve from these pictures.

"I want you to be playful, fun. I want you to be relaxed, showing the world how much you look forward to Valentine's Day, with your many suitors, how you're wearing the colours accordingly and want everyone to know this is the lingerie collection every girl wants to wear for that night when their partner takes off their clothes" Naomi finished as Shannon nodded.

"Okay, I think that's everyone, let's start this shoot!" Naomi smiled as she made her way to stand next to monitors that were synced to Sean's camera so she could see the pictures as soon as they were taken.

Naomi watched Shannon, the model, listen to every word she had told her and pose exactly how she wanted the look to tune out.

Taking the risk, Naomi glanced back and looked at Mariam to see if she approved of the shots so far or not.

It was as if Mariam sensed she was being watched and looked over in Naomi's direction, causing Naomi to quickly look forward.

Mariam was not one to be messed with and she hated people staring at her.

"Naomi!" Mariam called out

"Yes?" Naomi asked, worried that she was introuble

"Don't look at me for approval, do what you want, do what you see fit for this photo shoot" Mariam told her

Nodding her head, Naomi turned back around.

"Okay, everyone stop!" She shouted, as everyone listened to her.

Walking onto the set, Naomi went straight over to Shannon. "Shannon could you please change into the navy blue set?" Naomi directed, as Shannon nodded

"Alright Sean, I like the shots so far, but I wanna try something different" Naomi trailed off as Sean nodded for her to continue, "I want you to take more lower angles shots, get up close and personal with the fabric. I want this shoot to be mysterious. I want it to be powerful, I want it to show a woman's pleasure, unspoken words, naughty thoughts. I want it to be all about Shannon, and what she's wearing, not her body, not her face, but how she wears the underwear, how it looks like she can wear it anywhere without anyone asking questions, okay? So even if it is just a shot of her fingers toying with the elastic of the waistband of the panties, I want it taken, alright?"

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