Happy Ending with cupcakes and rainbows

529 14 4

After the date that Bridget/ Lady Glitter Sparkles had, she skates into her room and laid on her bed with the trolls and [Y/N].

Bridget is so happy that she want to scream while the trolls is celebrating that the Creep survive. [Y/N] just told Branch that Creep is sus.

"You know I feel like Creek is going to betray us if he survive that long." [Y/N] said. Branch nodded.

Bridget wanted to attend the party as Lady Glitter Sparkle but the trolls except for Branch have other plans.

[Y/N] felt bad for Bridget since the trolls wouldn't be able to help her during the feast and she want to warn the trolls about the Creep.

But before she even get the chance to talk, Bridget told them to leave her alone and that she'll never be with the king.

Poppy and the others had no choice but to leave all except for one person.

After the trolls left, [Y/N] stay behind knowing that Bridget need some emotional support.

" Hey Bridget. I know that the trolls might not help you during the feast but look at the bright side, you still have a chance to show your true color." [Y/N] said

The Bergen look at the girl before turning away to not face the girl.

" *sigh* I know this is hard to do and that you need time to think about it... but you can tell me if you want to, I'll listen." Bridget then turn to face the girl before lifting her up and nuzzle her face closer to [Y/N], like she's giving the girl a hug or some sort.

"Thank you, [Y/N]." [Y/N] felt accomplish after Bridget put her down.

"I better go now Bridget, someone gotta make sure those trolls are safe. I'll see you soon!" [Y/N] then left through the window and use her wind power to flew across the castle.

'I really need to find them before anything happen- Hold the hell up is that-?' [Y/N] flew around the castle for a while now until she notice a flying object which is one of the roller skates that Bridget wore coming toward the window.

"OH SHI-" [Y/N] got cut off by the roller skate hitting her, making her flew across the place and into the window.


[Y/N] is glad that she died already or else the glass that is sticking on her would be a pain in the ass.

Poppy then notice the bleeding girl that is clinging onto the skates like it's the last time that she would see the world again.

Poppy: OH MY GOD [Y/N]! Are you okay?!

[Y/N]: ... Do I look LIKE-?!

-----------BEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPP-------------- [I don't know what I'm doing here]

Some medical treatment is being provide to [Y/N] who just look at her new scar with a bored look along with a confuse one. 

'How the hell would I get hurt? I thought I died? Damn it I need to do some research on this again. Can't I just have a normal trip?!'

Poppy and some of the snack pack open the diamond that Creek was last seen, they thought Creek is in there. What a bunch of fools. The next thing you knew they're all lock in a cage.

"I just want my trip to be peaceful for once, is that too much to asked?" [Y/N] said while looking up at the sky. 

Sometime later the prune put the trolls on the counter of the kitchen, much to [Y/N]'s luck.

Trolled By A HumanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora