Saving some friends

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The three look around the town and  bergens are being miserable like they do.

"Woah, they look sad... like you Branch." making Branch look at her.

"Poppy, don't said that. It's quiet offended."

'I was like that too.' [Y/N] internally said. 

[Mind space]

Earth: Wait wut? Since when?

Quake: That was before you seven were born.

Death: And we don't talk about that.

Leaf: Why not?

Portal: Two words, brothers issue.

Melody: Eh. Screw them.

[Back to reality]

They sneak into the castle using their hair except for [Y/N] she just use the rope dagger from earlier since using her wind power would take out some energy from her.

-----In the castle----

There's two guards can be seen walking through the hallways. 


If you zoom in closer you can see that the fire above the chandelier is not real :) Instead it was Poppy, Branch and [Y/N] hiding there.

"So what's the plan to find the others?" [Y/N] asked. 

"I don't know." Poppy said

[Y/N] just gave her a "bruh, really?" look before she hook her dagger to a painting nearby and land on it. Branch and Poppy did the same except with their hair.

Then Poppy's hug-time bracelet go off.

"Hug time? Now?! Popp-" Poppy shut Branch up when they heard the same "ding" go off in a distance.

[With the snack pack]

 The trolls can be seen in a cage and on a sliver plate. And the three savior somehow made their way to the other chandelier while watching their friends *cough* sorry- Poppy's friends suffer.

[Y/N] literally grinned like Alastor when Creek got eaten but she didn't show it. 

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While Poppy and Branch are talking about Creek's "death", [Y/N] decided to yeet herself to Bridget's ribbons and drag the two along with her. 

"[Y/N]! What are you doing?" Branch whisper-yelled at the girl. The only respond he receive is just a glare from the girl.

Bridget put the trolls in her room before she sang a song about her crush for the king.

[Y/N] cringe at the sight and Poppy think otherwise. 

"Aw, she have a crush on the king." 

"Can I go? Now? I can't handle romance that well." [Y/N] said before Poppy and Branch pulled her to the snack pack. 

And they are happy to see them that they sing until Branch and [Y/N] told them to be quiet.

"There's a party going on right here." they sang quietly. [Y/N] just turn into Solar and walk straight up to the lock.

"There's no party and we are getting you all out of here." Solar said, burning the lock with her power.

The trolls look at her like she's some crazy woman that just came out from hell. [Y/N] just open the door and let the snack pack out.

"Let's go!" [Y/N] said changing back to herself and back to her cheery-self.

[A few screams and confronting Bridget later]

[Y/N]: So... what should I do?

Poppy: You can help with the talking!

[Y/N]: Ok?

Then, Poppy talk to Branch that why he don't sing and that he killed his grandma from it making [Y/N] feel bad for him.

And she went to the troll and have a talk with him.

"Hey, Branch? I know that losing a close family of yours is hard but if you need someone to talk to, I'll be here if you need me ^w^"

Then she left. Branch look at [Y/N] and thought of it before he is call to help out with Bridget.  

The group tried to find something good to complement about and failed, making King Grissle thinking that Bridget/Lady Glitter Sparkle is trying to make fun of him.

Until Branch decided to help out with some complement about his red eyes and smile. 

'That remind me of some overlord but who?' [Y/N] jumped for a second when she heard "You're never fully dress without a smile." 

Poppy look at the girl with a worried look but [Y/N] just waved it off. 

'What the heck was that?!'

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