Chapter 16 - He's kinda hot though...

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Warning: Homophobia in the 6th paragraph.

Sorry for the late post! I was quite busy today. - Silas

It was around 10 am when I woke up, blinking away sleep as I sat up and yawned. I slipped out of bed and got dressed before heading downstairs, making myself some coffee and plopping down on the couch. I flicked on the TV, sipping at my drink as I watched the news. It was about Pacifica's party, which was tomorrow. The party was tomorrow. "Shit! The party's tomorrow!" I screeched, Bill yawning as he walked in, his own cup of coffee in one hand, his phone in the other. "Yeah, so?" He said through a yawn, sitting on the opposite side of the couch, propping his feet up and placing them in my lap. "Well, I have no formal wear, doofus." I said, Bill nodding, "And neither do you. So, if either of us is going, then we have to go shopping today." I said. My friend sighing, "That's a big deal... why?" He asked. "Formal wear is hard to shop for," I said, bill nodding as if he didn't believe me. "Sure... whatever you say, Pine tree." He muttered, sipping on his coffee. A moment of silence passed between us, each of us sipping our coffee before Bill sighed, "Dipper, what happened last night?" Bill asked. I frowned, not meeting his gaze as I took another sip of coffee. "What are you talking about? Nothing happened." I lied, sipping on my coffee. Bill was quiet for a moment. "Are you sure?" He asked, raising a brow. "Yes, I'm sure. You probably just dreamt whatever you're talking about." I lied through my teeth, looking at my friend. Bill narrowed his eyes at me and I couldn't help but swallow the lump in my throat. Bill sighed and nodded, putting his mug on the coffee table, taking his feet off of my lap and getting up. He walked over to me and took my mug, "Hey! That mi-" I attempted to argue, but I was cut off by Bill bending down, his face barely an inch away from mine, his hands resting on the couch cushions beside me, effectively trapping me where I was.

I blushed, my heart rate speeding up, but I didn't know if I was panicking or if it was something else. "Dipper, what happened last night?" He asked. I looked down, but he lifted his hand up to hold my jaw, making him look at me. "Dipper, don't lie to me. What happened?" He asked again, his voice firm and demanding. I bit my lower lip, "It was just a nightmare..." I muttered, Bill's expression softening as he let go of my jaw and instead sat beside me. "Why didn't you just say so? I thought you made a deal with Periculosis or something..." He said. I shuddered at the word 'deal' and shook my head. "No... Just a nightmare." I said, frowning. "What was it about?" He asked cautiously. 

I looked at him. "Periculosis started a second... a second weirdmaggedon, William tried to warn me but by the time I got to you they had already grabbed you. I tried to get you back but I-" I paused, drawing in a slow breath, "I fell. The last thing I remember from the dream is how terrified you looked. We were reaching for each other, and you screamed my name, but I was too late." I finished. When I looked at Bill, he looked shocked. He lifted his hand, making me flinch, in turn making him hesitate. However, he gently pushed the hair from my forehead back, pressing a tender kiss to my birthmark. "You didn't have to be afraid to tell me, sapling. I promise... you don't have to be scared of me anymore." He said gently, his voice now a perfect silky-soft contrast to the rough and demanding one from earlier. I chuckled, my cheeks a light pink as I smiled. "Thanks, amicus," I said as Bill stood. He patted my shoulder before taking our mugs to the kitchen and rinsing them out, even though I wasn't finished with my coffee.

I suddenly heard him giggle, then he walked back in with Freud on his shoulders, eating a little piece of meat. I smirked, Bill giggling as Freud devoured the food. The hedgett was getting pretty big, so I doubted he'd need any sort of milk anymore. "Well, we better get going... it's already, like, 11." I said, Bill nodding. "Okay, just gimme a few minutes to get dressed." He said, setting Freud on the couch and running upstairs. He returned only a few minutes later with black jeans, a yellow t-shirt and a jean jacket on, his hair in the same messy style as it always was. I couldn't help but admire him a little. "Alright, let's go." He said, walking over to the door and grabbing his shoes. I nodded and followed, grabbing my car keys, wallet and shoes. We got in the car, and I drove us into town, parking in the store's parking lot and getting out, Bill following close behind. We walked into the store, an older woman walking over, speaking in broken English. "Welcome! Welcome! You two looking for specifics?" She asked. I nodded, "I'm looking for a light blue tux, preferably fitted." I said, the woman nodded. "And you?" She asked Bill. He nodded, "Yeah, actually. A black shirt, yellow tux and a black tie." He said. The woman nodded, "Okay. You want fitted?" She asked. "Yes, please." He said. "Alright. What occasion?" She asked, "The Northwest party tomorrow," I answered, her eyes widening. "I knew you familiar! Dipper Pines, yes? Mable in here yesterday." She hummed, nodding approvingly as she turned. "Come, come." She beckoned with her hand for us to follow.

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