8 | "I Won't Let You Leave Me"

Start from the beginning

Suddenly his eyes zeroed in on me, and I knew exactly what he was saying. Those measures would also ensure I stay put.

In their dreams.

"Micah recommended that the theme be..." Papa peered over in my brother's direction, and Micah smirked as he stepped away from the wall.

"Masquerade, papa. Where people wear masks," he spoke stony, but I didn't miss how his tone dipped in delight.

Memories of Luba's masquerade event in November slammed into me, and my heart clenched at the final memories I had of peace before I was forcefully taken away.

My eyes narrowed on Daemon again, and all the anger and resentment that simmered the last week was reignited. But he didn't care—not now, and not before.

The next few minutes passed with papa explaining the rest of the event, but my ears were too hazy to catch anything. It wasn't too long until people began to shuffle toward the exit, that a light bulb went off in my head.

I shot up. "Papa, wait!" I called out, but I was too late. He was already out of the room, probably making his way to his office.

My feet faltered for a moment before I pushed myself forward, forcing myself to stay strong. And as I shoved myself through the crowd and toward the dark hallway, I did so.

Behind me, I could hear my shadow following me, and as much as I hated my body's reaction, my shoulders sagged in relief that I had backup.

I was reaching for the door handle when a strong hand grasped latched onto my wrist, almost painfully that I hissed.

My head snapped up the same moment my eyes widened at papa's guard, who was glaring in my direction. But his hold disappeared just as quick as it came.

Before I realized what was happening, the guard was slammed against the wall by Daemon, who's eyes were coldly assessing the man as he tightened his grip on the guards neck.

The mans faced bleached white as he gasped for air. "Daemon," I murmured. "Let go. It's okay."

After a few seconds, he released him and turned to me, his jaw popping. I bit back a shiver when his steel eyes calculatingly ran over my body, then onto my wrist that was held.

Taking a deep breath for confidence, I twisted to the door again before knocking twice. "Papa?"

Silence, and then... "Da, Roza?"

Assuming that was permission for me to enter, I twisted the knob and pushed the door open, seeing papa sit behind his desk on the left side of the room. Even though the windows across from me overlooked the yard, I knew they were one-way, so the outside couldn't see the inside.

So no one would shoot us with a shotgun. Fun things to worry about here.

Twisting my gaze back to papa, I tried to give my best smile while ignoring two of papa's guards and Daemon, all who were standing by the bookcases.

I waited a few seconds until he finally looked up from his computer. He was irritated, and that pleased me. "Hi, papa," I drawled sweetly as I took a seat across him.

He didn't seem amused. "What is it, Roza? I don't have time for your drama."

"Well," I began slowly, but kept the smile on my face, hoping to ease the tension and make his decision easier. "You mentioned the Christmas party, which sounds great and all that jazz. But there's a problem."

I dragged out the silence, just for fun.

Again, his eyes flared with annoyance. "What do you want?"

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