Back on Remnant...

Sans and Cinder went out of the portal, and Sans put Cinder down to the ground, as Cinder landed on her feet, and Sans landed on the ground.

"Phew. We made it. And it's not too late!"

Sans shouted, as he sees the battle is still going on.

"That means we have a chance to protect Ebott."

Cinder spoke out, and both Sans and Cinder ran...but than...Sans sensed something, and sees something that he never thought was gonna happen.


The was still opened.

Sans puts his hand on the portal to try and close it. did not work. is struggling to close, as something than began to go through the portal. A black tendril pushed the sides of the portal...and Sans realizes what is going on.

"That is not good."

Cinder looks, and sees that Nightmare has came out of the portal, and he looks furious.

"Did you honestly think you would get away from me this easily, Sans? I am not giving up on making you suffer in the eternal agony of darkness!!"

Sans simply walked towards Nightmare, and spoke out.

"You mean you want me to share the suffering that you force yourself on everyday to make yourself look bigger, when in are smaller than you look."

This made Nightmare a little but madder than before, as he spoke out.

"You are going to pay...for your insolence!!!"

Nightmare than forms more tentacles, and shoots than at Sans. But this time...Sans was ready. Extending out his hand, Sans manifested the Gaster Abyss Blasters, and fired them at Nightmare's tentacles. Nightmare almost got hit by the blast, but was able to move it of the way, and avoided getting hit. But than Sans launched in Abyss Chain at Nightmare, and struck him square in the chest. But...that unfortunately...did not work. Nightmare, due to his liquid-like body, is completely immune to the effects of the Abyss Chain, and thus...cannot be purified by it. So he is going to need a lot more than just chains to help him winter fight that sans' now forced to be in.

Sans than flies towards Nightmare, before creating a rain of  Abyss Crystals, which fell down right on top of Nightmare, causing him some form of pain. Nightmare, on the other hand, wasn't to happy, and tried to use his Tendrils to try and grab sans. But sans won't allow this to happen, as he activated his Second Form, in order to counter the Tendrils.

The Cyan Tendrils and the Black, Inly Tendrils wrapped around each other, as they tried to tug one of them towards the other, with both doing everything that they can to win against the others strength. Both of her began to sweat immensely, as in the second form, he had the power to match against the strength that Nightmare himself possesses.

Sans and Nightmare kept on struggling , as they try to pull the other, but neither pull actually win against the other by sheer strength. So...Sans decided to make this a little but more simple, by teleporting right in front of Nightmare, and attacking up-close.



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