first kiss

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if they don't have a short one-shot it was because i couldn't think of anything

deku ~ it was outside the bubble tea shop that you guys went together when you first met

You walked in and ordered my drink whilst Izuku took a seat outside the shop. You recieved the drinks and walked outside and handed him the one he had asked for. He smiled at you and you guys drank it in peace. When you had finished yours you peered at Izuku; he had been very quiet and you didn't know why. ''Hey Y/n?'' He whispered. ''Yeah Izuku?'' You replied. ''Thank you, for always being here, I don't know what I would do without you,'' He told you. He kissed you on the lips and you were flustered.


bakugo ~ you guys were fighting

''Y/N YOU ATE MY FOOD I WAS SAVING IT FOR LUNCH YOU IDIOT!'' He screamed. You had no idea that it was his. ''WELL NEXT TIME YOU SHOULD PUT YOUR NAME ON IT YOU WEIRDO'' You shouted back. ''Y/N I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR SHIT IT WAS MY FOOD AND YOU ATE IT SO NOW YOU- wha- what are you doing'' His voice softened as you walked towards him. You kissed him on the lips to shut him up. He was so embarrased and he couldn't look you in the eyes. ''I'll make the food dumb bitch,'' You told him. ''O-Okay,'' Bakugo said gently. You just made Bakugo go soft.


todoroki ~ in front of your dads - before u got into a relationship

The LOV had attacked again. All Might and Endeavour had to battle them so you were forced to come with All might in case something happened. You sat on the sofa shivering, you were so nervous since they were all so much more dangerous and you were freezing. It was super cold.

Then, you felt some warmth and looked behind you, it was Todoroki. ''Hey Shoto,'' You greeted him. ''Hey Y/n,'' He replied. You guys talked for like 10 minutes until your dad called.

Italics = All Might

Bold = You

Hey Y/n, I'm sorry but we're gonna need some backup. Can you and Todoroki help us?

But dad-

Please Y/n, I promise I'll take you to that restaurant


Okay! I'll see you in 10 minutes

Okay, stay safe dad

You too honey

You ended the call.

''We gotta go Todoroki,'' You told him. He didn't complain and you guys went to put on your hero costumes.

You went out and battled the LOV and after an hour, you had won against them.

After the battle, you met All might and Endeavour in the meeting room and Todoroki was there, putting on bandages for his hands, since he had hurt them. ''Are your hands alright now Shoto?'' You asked. ''Yeah, I'll probably just keep these on them until they stop hurting,'' He replied. You looked at the burn marks on his hands and arms and traced them. You looked into his eyes and kissed his lips. You tottaly forget that Endeavour and All Might were there. They just stared blankly whilst you two kept on kissing. After a few second you stopped and they kicked you out of the room.


Ojiro ~ you were sleeping

Ojiro ~ you were sleeping

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^^kinda like that

he thought you were asleep but you were fake sleeping and started blushing madly.


uraraka ~ you kissed her

It was you and Uraraka's 6 month anniversary and she knocked on the door to deliver a present. You opened the door and saw that she got you tickets to see your favourite artist! You were so happy and kissed her on the spot and she blushed madly


iida ~ tutoring session

iida just made a really unfunny joke that you found hilarious (it was a dad joke) and you laughed so much and he just looked at you like 0-0 and then you cupped his face in your hands and kissed his lips

lmao sorry i was gonna finish this but i got so tired through it and cbb to finish.. ill prob finish in the future

BNHA boyfriend headcannons/scenarios DISCONTINUEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora