Swapping nightmares

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"how?" Asked Lucifer softly "how do you not have a single normal sinner? I mean, a guy who helped children, rescued animals and more, massacred many innocents because they tried to give him a bath?"

"Hey! Dung defender is a cool dude....as long as there's no water around" said Grimm jokingly "otherwise it's homicide"

Lucifer groaned tiredly

"Just one demon, one decent demon" said Lucifer frowning

Then, the sound of a phone ringing was heard all over the room

"That's for me" said Grimm as he picked up the phone "hello?...wait really?... interesting... I'm coming to you right now"

"Who was it?"

"Alastor is helping Charlie with the hotel and he wants me to go and spook everyone" said Grimm cheerfully

"Hmm...Alastor" the king of hell said as he pondered "maybe he'd be good"

"Not a good choice, you know he values entertainment and the chance of the hotel closing down is not very entertaining...try someone else" said Grim before raising his cloak wing and teleporting "Byeeeee!"



Grimm got ready to meet everyone at the hotel

He made his eyes glow as eerily as possible, he prepare his most intimidating voice, and waited for Alastors que to knock when Charlie wasn't there

He also made sure Alastor wasn't lying by dipping into his mind, it'd be awkward if he suddenly saw Charlie unprepared

He rung the bell and the door was soon open by a white haired, gray skinned girl


She immediately shut the door, but by what Grimm heard, it was gonna get opened soon

When the door was opened again, the girl was pointing a spear at him


"What are you doing in this place?" Asked the girl, ready to attack

"I heard about this place from a friend of mine and I found it.... interesting" said Grimm in a intimidating tone

"I swear if you hurt anyone here I'll__"

"I don't think you'll be able to do anything with that toothpick, young lass" said Grimm calmly as he easily swiped the spear from her hands "hey, wanna see a cool trick?"

Not waiting for her answer, Grimm unhinged his jaws and swallowed the spear whole calmly

The girl looked at Grimm still trying to comprehend what he just did


Oh sorry, do you need it back?" Said Grimm as he spat the spear back into his grip, handing it to the girl "don't worry, it's not disgusting, I have practically zero digestive fluids, so it probably left cleaner than how it entered"

Ignoring the shocked/confused look on the girls face, he entered the hotel

He saw a winged cat-like demon, a tiny cyclops, a....white furred spider-like demon with a heart drawn around their...chest

A Grimm fateWhere stories live. Discover now