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1st person pov for now :

aaahh the vast emptiness of space , so calming.... Wish I had a laptop to play Hollow knight rn

I'm practically an addict

Being a millionaire and an addict is not a good thing

Got an incurable disease , spent the rest of my days playing , until I finished it , everything in it

My life felt empty , and since I couldn't be cured and I was gonna die regardless , I decided to use all my fortune to book me a ticket to the nearest black hole

Yup! Black hole! I wanted to at least be the millionaire who died to a black hole , not a disease

Oh! I can feel the pull already

I wasn't the best rich dude out there either but what am I gonna do

Still wishing for Hollow knight though

Man I wish I finished hollow knight , instead I memorized everything about the Grimm troupe

At least I met the greatest game character I've ever seen


I fell in love with the lore , the journal poems , the troupe

The last boss I fought

Nightmare King Grimm

It was hard

Well in these final moments

I'll recite those words


Shadows dream of endless fire

Flames devour and embers swoop

One will light the nightmare lantern

Call and serve in Grimm's dread troupe

A spark of red lights darkest dream

Scarlett nightmares bright and wild

Visions dance and flames do speak

Burn the father , feed the child

Dance and die and live forever

Silent voices shout and sing

Stand before the troupe's dark heart

Burn away the nightmare king


And darkness

Red lights I'm trying to enjoy my darkness folks

Ugh a cave...wha?

And why am I... beating?

And on the ceiling?


Why am I a heart on the ceiling of cave?

Ok , I think I can see someone

Hello! Hello!

Oh come on...wait horns?

Where the heck am I?!

A really really long time skip


So , turns out I went to hell

As a heart


But not just any heart! I'm the nightmare heart!

The one from hollow knight

And for some reason I went to past hell but that's not important , I'm nightmare heart!

And no one could see me... until I remade everything related to the Grimm troupe

Now I possess the body of Grimm ....or a body modeled after him with great accuracy

No one could see me before because I was in the nightmare realm , still made a nightmare king body here though

Just in case someone pops in

And I may or may not have screwed up slightly

After creating everything I may or may not have accidentally forced a ritual upon myself ,otherwise I I suck..but! On the bright side I got a lot of power

That ritual was very similar to the one from hollow knight , but instead of the flames of a kingdom's fall , it was the flames of a dream gone wrong


And now

"Welcome everyone to the Grimm colosseum! I hope you enjoy today's dance because today some overlords decided to settle their quarrels here , so let's your applaud for our competitors!" I said before teleporting to a certain vip seat

"Do you really have to call it dancing?" Said a owl like demon

"It's better Stolas" I say smiling "much better, every fight is a dance in it's own way"

"You say it like you're not the person who causes nightmares at a whim" said Stolas smiling

Ahh Stolas , a close friend of mine

We became friends after we fought because we looked similar

Who started the fight? I don't remember it was a long long time ago

When Stolas was young and I barely created the first Grimm

But being the King of nightmares wasn't just fun but it was a job as well , having to complete a ritual that was very similar to the one in hollow knight

Luckily I have Grimmkin and Troupe members, so i need no tiny knight to help me

Collecting nightmares , giving nightmares , running the troupe and all

That was the job of

Grimm the nightmare king


Again this was made for the shits and giggles

So don't take this seriously , pls

Unless I make it into a series


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