Diary of a failed novice

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1st person pov

Life can be difficult , life can have many hardships , but today just might not be your day , another day could be the day WE...I achieve success

I, Nebby the Grimmkin novice or more commonly known as the streamer/tuber "NoviceNightmare69" shall not give up in face of the difficulties of life




"I WILL QUIT MY JOB!" I yelled

"SHUT UP NEBBY!" Yelled another Grimmkin

"Sorry" I replied


In the Nightmare realm , most Grimmkin are nightmare collectors

They collect the energy of nightmares from both humans and demons , whether it's natural or Nightmares made by Grimsteeds or refined dream energy , but those guys are a whole different breed

Grimmkin evolve based on experience , like one of those monster slave is gonna fight other people's slaves for you games

But instead of by killing someone else , we do it by contribution , a Grimmkin will naturally evolve via contribution to the Nightmare realm or the grimm troupe ,Grimsteeds do it too like us they have three levels

However... streaming/grimmtube or other ways of entertainment DO NOT count as contribution

Among my colleagues.... previous colleagues , I was called the forever novice , because I was never able to collect Nightmares properly I couldn't get contribution

But that's not the thing , in the Nightmare realm , you have to have a job , do something on your own or we'll make you do something

Even making makeup videos counts as a job....but ehhh.... I'm not an actual streamer or whatever

I don't have a camera , but I shall not despair!

Master Grimm has the perfect camera in his castle and a portal to hell too....that sounded morbid for some reason , but nevertheless , I'll be knocking two birds with one stone

I'll find entertainment in hell and stream it!...I hope

Now! Time to infiltrate the castle!

I just have to find a way around those Grimmkin nightmare guards


Plan 1


Everyone loves a good old fashioned pizza!

I grabbed my , delivery boy hat and box with an actual Nightmare realm pizza and walked towards the castle

"Pizza delivery!" I yelled

The Nightmares looked at me dead in the eyes , a sweat bead ran through my cheeks...wait...do we even sweat? Why hasn't asked this before?!

"Really?" Asked one of the two nightmare guards unconvinced

"Yes?" I said nervously

"You know chefs actually work in the castle right?" Asked the other guard

"And this is the castle of the nightmare king , you know , the guy who can snap a pizza into existence with a snap of his fingers , my boss , your boss , our boss" said the guard "this disguise is extremely pointless too"

Shoot shoot shoot plan 2 plan 2


"You wouldn't turn down my request to go inside would you?" I asked seductively "I'd be happy to give you a lovely gift if you let me in"

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