you slowly lifted you hand up but you couldn't get yourself to knock it so you waited.

you could feel the nervousness in every single cell.

you took a few deep breaths, trying to encourage yourself to talk to him but you never felt ready.

just as you were about to leave a creak was heard.

sigma opened the door, eyes crimson red and face stained with tears.

he didn't realise who you were so he kept his gaze down and stared at you shoes.

after a few seconds he slowly lifted his head up just to see you.

his eyes expanded the moment he met your gaze but he was unable to get himself to speak.

there was only one thing he desperately wanted to say so he took a step forward and held both of your hands.

"i'm so sorry (y/n)..." he said with his voice cracking.

you took a breath to talk but sigma was faster.

"there are too many things for me to say so let me speak first." he continued.

"i had a chance, a perfect chance to open up to you but i ruined it. we could've done so much today but here we are, not knowing what we're supposed to do so you come to my door at 3a.m." he took a breath.

"you are awake, i am awake, everybody else is sleeping. they are unable to see, to see what people around them are making them do."

"there is one more person who is awake and sadly it is akasuki." he said before stopping.

he looked back into my eyes and continued.

"(y/n), i want you to do something. i want you to make sure learning what happened today is your biggest desire right now so that i can use my ability and if you did learn it from before i want you to say something, anything.".

sigma was unable to hold back the tears as they glided down from his cheeks.

you didn't want to just stay and watch the man you fell for cry so you made a move.

you took a deep breath and slowly unattached your hands from the manager's.

sigma's heart broke.

he wanted you to know what actually happened there before you left.

he was hopeless until he realised two arms that were now around his body.

you were hugging him with all you've got.

you didn't want to cause pain but to help it vanish away so you embraced him.

sigma was frozen.

he stood in the exact position he realised your arms were around him.

he thought you were mad at him.

so mad that you would never want to see him again.

so this meant you knew?

you took a breath and started talking before sigma's mind generated more unnecessary ideas.

"sigma, i really want to know what happened today." you said.


sigma was alarmed.

what could you possibly learn instead of this?

what else could be your desire?

was it...?

before sigma could finish his own thoughts you placed a soft peck on his cheek.

sigma went crimson red.

his cheeks and ears were bright red and was visible in even though the light was dim.

sigma already knew you liked him but he didn't think you would be so bold.

so this meant you knew he liked you, but he couldn't understand why.

in that exact moment sigma was the one to break your heart, the one who threw you away and yet you still wanted to know what his heart desired.

"so it wasn't it..." sigma said, barely above a whisper so that only you could hear.

you nodded, agreeing to his statement.

you opened your mouth to talk but was silenced by some other.

"well well, look my lovebirds right here."


"if i'm being honest, i didn't think you would be able to generate such a strong bond in just a few days." she continued.

"oh (y/n), my little it's so nice to see you again, for one last time before tomorrow's gamble. i'll leave you guys to it then, do whatever you want. today is going to be your last." she said with the evilest smirk and then left.

sigma was furious.

he wanted to kill akasuki right that moment but you held his wrist fir him to calm down.

"don't worry, she just like to scare people. her bite isn't nearly as painful as her bark." you whispered into his ear in an effort to comfort him.

in reality, you had absolutely no idea what you were going to do.

the gambler (sigma x reader)Where stories live. Discover now