Seolhee, Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, Eunjung, Yoongi, Namjoon, Taehyung, and I all sat in a large room. We were also on our second round of drinks.

"Alright, alright, enough with the sappy shit." Hoseok stands and walks towards the karaoke machine. He starts flipping through the book. "I'll go first." He combs his hair back and punches in the numbers for the song. "This one's for you babe." he winks at Seolhee.

It takes a couple of seconds, but then I hear it. The opening to an AC/DC song.

No the hell he didn't.

He gets in his initial pose. Finger pointed in the air, he jumps and spins around before he starts singing the first verse.

"She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean." He starts in a screeching voice. His leg begins to shake to the beat, headbanging slowly. He begins to slide a little to the side finishing the first verse. "And you shook me all night long!" He points out to Seolhee.

I turn to look at her and she isn't even embarrassed, she's getting into it. Eunjung was looking absolutely appalled, Jin and Jimin were dying of laughter. Yoongi and Namjoon felt it was better to just pour another drink and stay quiet. Taehyung wasn't even in the room.

When did he leave?

I turn back to this abomination of performance and Seolhee is grinding on Hoseok.

I didn't need to see this today

Taehyung walks back into the room and just stops at the door. Shock is written all over his face when he looks up at the disaster in front of him. When Hoseok finally finishes the song, he is out of breath and sweaty as hell. Seolhee turns around to wrap her hands around his neck. She leans in to kiss him.

"No, cut that shit out. This is the wrong type of bar for that." Jimin interjects. He stands up to separate the pair. "Go sit your horny asses down, on opposite sides of the room thank you very much." He sighs heavily. "Dirty ass children."

"If I would've known you were gonna act like that we would have gone to an actual club," Yoongi mutters. "I try to show you guys class and this is the thanks I get." He shakes his head and throws back a shot.

"Wanna show us class then gramps. Come up here and sing us one of your oldies." Hoseok sulks. Walking to the left side of the room.

"I thought you'd never ask you little stripper."


"Ms.Y/L/N, you have a short staff meeting at 5:30 pm, a meeting with a client at 6 pm, and a lecture to give as a guest speaker at Seoul University." My new secretary Kim Dongyoung recites it to me. I offered him the position to work as my personal secretary after the case ended, seeing as though he cannot go back to his previous firm.

"Thank you so much, Mr.Kim. You have helped the company out greatly in the past month, Jimin is more at ease now with an extra pair of hands." I say.

"Just doing my job. I'll go set up the meeting room now." He turns and leaves. I check the clock.

5:15 pm? Such a long day and it isn't even over yet!

I sigh heavily and prepare papers for the meeting. As I am putting the papers in a folder, my phone buzzes. I stuff the papers in and pick up my phone.

*Tae Tae*

Hey stranger, are you free tonight?

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