She taught me how

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One sunny day, they went into the empty hospital chapel. Eunha led the way and kneeled before the altar. She clasped her hands together, closed her eyes pressuring Jungkook to imitate.

"Oh God, I pray that you cleanse our souls and lead us to do things in accordance to your will. There's nothing that we need in this world but only you. My dearest friend right here needs you more than I do. Be with him, and show him your mercy..." Eunha prayed to cause Jungkook to eye her and smiled.

Closing his eyes, he prayed too. "I pray for the happiness of the persons I love, and that this lady right here may witness the miracle her heart yearns for. No one can do that except you oh God," Jungkook uttered, crafting a smile on her lips.

They exited the chapel with a smile and light hearts.

"So, you believe now?" Eunha asked. "I was lame not to feel him before but I honestly do now. I can see his wonders everywhere, around me, in me, and in front of me..." Jungkook said, directly searching her sparkling eyes that slowly widened.

Eunha just giggled and walked past him, he chuckled looking down then followed her.

Crossing another hallway, they were talking when Jungkook spotted his clueless wandering fans on the nurses' counter.

"Nuts, we gotta go the other way," he held her hand and rushed running away.

"There he is!" a fan yelled. Jungkook shook his head and run with her aiming for their peace.

Reaching an end, they panicked. Jungkook stared to the side and saw a small door. They forced themselves in to hide in a small storage room for cleaning stuff.

Adjusting themselves, they stared at each other and chuckled.

"That was close, you're okay?" he asked, holding her cold forehead. Eunha nodded as she sweats. "Yeah, I am..." she responded smiling.

"You might want to address your fans even through a written letter, Jungkook. Don't leave them other words, don't hurt them, we must do unto others..." she suggested, he plainly looked at her.


The next morning, Eunha entered Jungkook's room through a nurse's assistance. They stumbled upon him who was filming himself.

"I will forever live in your hearts... thank you so much!" Jungkook ended his address as Woozi took care of the cameras.

Eunha smiled at him, he then grinned saying, "Owed it to you,"

They ate lunch together; she was sitting on his bed while he was on the couch. Her yes landed on his plate.

"You eat veggies now, for whole reality!" she said, giggling. "Someone taught me to," he said staring at her, smiling.

"Oh come on the doctors did! I never got to know about your disease, please tell me more," she pleaded, swallowing her food.

"CJD, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease it's a rapidly progressive, invariably fatal neurodegenerative one..." Jungkook explained, losing his appetite.

"Oh," she replied. "Unique?" he asked and laughed.

"I hope your laughter's not a mask of your blues..." she hoped, locking her eyes with his.

"I'm sorry. How come you don't fear death?" he asked. "I'm anticipating it; death is as beautiful as life. If it's meant for me this early, then I'll accept it with a fond smile," she beamed.

"Don't you ever worry, you taught me well..." Jungkook said smiling, standing up to fix their eating mess.


Jungkook was attaching their paintings on the wall one by one as he hummed.

"Shall we paint again tomorrow?" he asked, he frowned not hearing her response. Looking back at the bed, he saw her sleeping. He softly smirked and giggled. "Heaven misses you, so they want to take you at fast speeds..." he mumbled and smiled.

After doing his work, a black notebook caught his attention. He scanned over its cutely appealing drawings and poems. He suddenly stumbled on a page of his calling.

"Yellow Blood's one and only last wish, witness a miracle..." he read, starring back at her sleeping face.

Few months run, their hearts and soul became closer as if its meeting is an emergence of a new world only for them.

At the chapel, there he was busy with his phone. Eunha sat beside him and stared at the altar.

"Busy of what?" she asked, he smiled. "Transactions with my attorney. Dividing my assets to charities, my sister, my manager, and Art organizations to fund children and teach them to do art equitably," he explained.

"I am beyond proud of you..." she expressed, smiling.

"The earthly things like money I was greedy for before were never the things I needed. I was blind, I was selfish, and purposively destructive to others for my leap. And I won't let my life end like that," he uttered.

"Surely, it won't..." she said, ruffling his hairs.

"You look paler than before," Jungkook anxiously said, quickly folding her sleeves up and gently caressed a new bruise.

"Let's call doctor Joon or your nurse  Lisa, come one!" Jungkook grabbed her hands as he stood up but she insisted to stay leaving him worried.

"No, I was just released from there. It's fine, need not panic..." she ensured, and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Why are you like this?" he whispered to her. In the same position, she replied closing her eyes, "I am who I am and for most, I have to..." she said, he just patted her head.

"I like you..." he finally said, she opened her eyes upon hearing. "No, I think I love you. You were sent from above to grant me the life he has set for me," he corrected himself as he gulped. She stood up and faced him, her lips pale, her eyes gloss and red.

"I know, but we're dying. It's just a matter of who'll go first," she said. "That's it, you implied we've got a running time. Then I deemed that we deserve to grasp our remaining time," he uttered, holding her shoulders.

She closed her eyes, tears run down her cheeks as she looked into his eyes. "I love my yellow galaxy," she said, embracing him. "I love my star," he replied, smiling.


Jungkook was pushing Eunha's wheelchair forward as they paced through the hospital hallways. They stopped by the Nursery section, watching the newborn babies through a transparent glass.

Eunha touched the glass as she peaked from the outside. "Adorable, they are pieces of heaven..." she said with a smile.

"Have you ever dreamed of having kids?" she asked him. "I never did until a second ago. Seeing your lady adorably watching babies..." he affirmed and smiled at her. She smacked him and giggled.

"You know I'm not capable of but you can, with another woman!" she said. "I'd rather not," he uttered, chuckling.

Jungkook received a call. "Yes? What's the matter?" he answered. "Your sister tried to commit suicide, she's at the same hospital as you. Damn, she got your hard head," Woozi voiced. Jungkook furrowed and his breathing increased.

"Why?" Eunha asked, worriedly holding his hand. Jungkook stared back completely shocked. 

Remember Me Not~ EunKook FFWhere stories live. Discover now