"Jay?" Julie muttered, looking at the two. She was utterly confused at what was happening before her but she quickly realized that the situation was more dire than she initally thought.

Both Flynn and Julie exclaimed Jay's name and Flynn went to help carry Jay into the room while Julie froze with fear. Even after Flynn and the other man had led Jay inside, she could barely follow behind them as the door closed behind her and Jay was set down on the couch in the room.

"What in the world happened to you?" Flynn asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Caleb," Jay breathed out and the weakness of his voice made Julie loose all air in her lungs. His voice had no volume and was incredibly hoarse and weak, like every syllable he spoke took the energy to move a mountain.

"Caleb got to you?" Flynn asked Jay, who nodded weakly in response. The movement of his head was so minute that Julie barely even noticed it. As Julie stepped closer and closer to the group on the couch, she noticed that his face was soaked with sweat and his skin was noticeably paler.

"The boys," Jay forced out. "Forced...club..."

Caleb forced the boys into his club.

"Stop talking you idiot," the man who brought Jay in snapped. "You're literally dying, save your energy."

"He's dying?" Julie repeated, her voice barely louder than a whisper. She suddenly found the strength to move her legs again and rushed to Jay, crouching down so that she was almost on equal level with him.

"His pulse is super weak, I could barely find it earlier," the man explained. "Honestly I'm surprised he can still talk."

"Stubborn," Jay said, the barest trace of a smile on his face. His eyes could barely stay open, they were narrow slits that he could probably barely see out of.

"Damn right you're stubborn," Flynn snapped. "You should be at the hospital, not the Orpheum!"

As soon as the word 'Orpheum' left Flynn's mouth, there was a faint purple light that shone over Jay's gut, the same light that shocked Luke. As the jolt ran through Jay's body, he jerked suddenly and then began to slowly curl in on himself, his limbs shaking with the movement and the pain.

"The hospital can't help that," the other man said. "He told me to bring him here, said he needed to see Julie."

"You needed to see me?" Julie repeated, looking down at Jay. She wasn't sure how, but Jay managed to find the strength to move his hand to Julie's face, though it trembled incredibly. He cupped the side of her face as he spoke what he could.

"Sorry," he said, his voice quieter than before. "Couldn't...protect..."

"Shh, stop," Julie shushed, tears beginning to flow down her face as she pressed her own hand against Jay's. "You did what you could."


"Willie?" Flynn repeated, looking to the man for explanation.

"Some guy named Willie texted me from Jay's phone," the man explained. "I was waitng out on the road for him and then I got this message that Jay was inside the garage and needed help. By the time I got there, the dude was gone and this kid was on the ground."

"Caleb..." Jay breathed out. "He...Willie."

"Caleb got to Willie?" Flynn completed for Jay, who meekly nodded again.

"Julie..." he rasped. "Perform...please."

"I can't," Julie said immediately, her voice cracking as she did. "Not without you."

Finally Free -- JATP Luke x MaleOCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang