Just as they were about to engage in their radtastic sword fight they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Ink and Fresh turned to see the Sans and Frisk of the AU standing not too far away.

"welp ... this paint what i was expecting." Sans said with a wink. "don't mean to interrupt ... whatever this is. but do you mind explaining yourselves?"

Ink and Fresh exchanged guilty looks at having been caught.


A few minutes before ...

Sans knew that the human would follow whether he accompanied them or not - they were a very determined and unpredictable child when something caught their interest. And as he didn't fancy a lecture from Toriel later if he lost them, he chose to join them. Besides, he was curious who these new monsters were, having never seen them before.

So the two followed the trail of yellow paint to where the two mysterious skeletons had blurred off to with impressive speed. The kid seemed excited if their small smile and bounce in their step was anything to go by.

He wondered who the skeletons were. As far as he knew there were none other than himself and Papyrus ever since Gaster fell into the Void. Maybe they were from the Ruins and this timeline they had chosen to come out ...? Not all Resets were the same, so it was possible.

Alternatively they could be people from another universe. His machine had received a message about interdimensional travelers a few hundred Resets previously, warning about a Destroyer of Worlds and a King of Negativity.

When they caught up to the skeletons, they were not expecting the mess they found.

The ground was a myriad of colors from splattered paints, discarded 'weapons' and the sad remains of a piñata (the poor bystander caught in the crossfire).

There was a ball pit with a few escaped plastic balls and a bouncy castle that appeared to be occupied. Laughter could be heard, along with sounds of popping water balloons.

Sans eyed the edge cautiously as a few plastic balls rolled off the cliff.

The human appeared as curious and confused as Sans.

*Circus? Frisk asked before picking up a furby, with their iconic deadpan expression.

Sans shrugged and spoke quietly. "certainly enough clowning around for it."

Frisk giggled at the pun, hugging the weird looking toy.

As they stepped closer to the scene a very colorful skeleton slid out of the bouncy castle on his knees, knocking the other one over with a foam sword. With a roll the skeleton bounced back to his feet, not noticing they now had company as the second followed after.

The two were very covered in paint.

When Sans asked for an explanation the two skeletons exchanged sheepish expressions, before the one without sunglasses walked over cheerfully and shook their hands. He laughed at the whoopie cushion sounding off when he shook Sans hand.

"Hi! I'm Ink! Creator and Protector of the multiverse!" He pointed to the other skeleton. "And he is, uh ..." His eye lights turned to question marks. "Who were you again?"

"Yo yo yo! Name's Fresh, radist skeleton of the AU's in da house." He gave them finger guns. "Pardon the mess homeslice. Must say, my radical brosephs, your pad be the bomb diggity with this radically sick view!" Fresh offered both hands. "Put 'er there pals!"

Frisk and Sans took the offered hands - only for the packet of silly string to activate and coat their hands.

"heh. a fellow man of culture i see." Sans smirked at the handshake gag, before eyeing the Creator. "so what're you two doin' out here in the boonies? especially someone as important as the creator."

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