Chapter FortyTwo

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They were going to have to go in to the Framework. They talked, as Daisy and Jemma rebandaged Asia's left thigh, talking about how their team was still out there. They had to try to save them. But as Jemma pointed out, they had no way to trace the signal and figure out where their friends' physical bodies were being kept. So they were going to have to figure out to highjack the program and go in themselves. But then came the tricky problem of how to get out of the Base so that any of that would be possible.

"Sleeping gas," Asia said, nodding towards the nearby canisters. "We can use the sleeping gas. Anyone who doesn't knock out we know is an LMD. But we need cures. Jemma, how many do you think there are?"

"I don't...I don't know," she admitted, shaking her head, pushing back strands of hair falling in front of her face. "Not enough. Oh gods, how are we going to get out of here alive? We can't fight them all. We're going to die in here." Her words came out in a low moan as fear had started to settle over her. This situation was bordering on impossible.

"You don't have to worry about fighting them," Daisy reassured her, exchanging a glance with Asia as she reached up and dabbed a smear of blood off of Agent Monroe's still-pale face. "That's what Asia and I are here for. If we can get to the Zephyr, we can get out. And then we can figure things out from there."

Asia nodded slowly, looking to Daisy and letting her see the fear that mirrored in her own eyes. They could fight them...but who knew how many were out there now? There were so many for them to try and take on. What if it wasn't possible? What if they lost it all, permanently? She didn't want this to be the end of her story. Her mind went back to Leo, as it always did, that light leaving his eyes as she stabbed him in the neck. Unintentionally, she breathed out his name.

Daisy nodded. "Keep him on your mind, Asia. You know how I know we're getting out of here? Because of the two of you. Through all of the insane, batshit crazy BS we have dealt with over these past four years together, the one thing I have always known without a doubt, the whole time, all the way back to those days on the Bus, is that you and Fitz belong together. So when we go out there to fight, you fight for him, got it?" Daisy looked her friend in the eyes, forcing Asia to meet them. She nodded in response. "Good. This is not how your story ends. I won't let it be."

Asia gripped Daisy's hand with her own and squeezed it tightly. "Okay," she nodded, once, twice. "Okay. Let's do this." She needed to do it now, before the sorrow and horror found a way to take control of her body again. It would be far too easy to let it take over and send her mind into a tailspin. She needed to move, needed to keep her mind on the objective. She brushed at the tears brimming at her eyes.

Asia looked to Jemma, who had been busy putting together the contraption to deliver the sleeping gas. "Do it," she said sharply, with a nod. "We can't waste any more time. Every minute we wait is another minute they get closer to finding us or making a plan to kill us. We can't wait." Jemma nodded, taking a deep breath. She was right. it was time.

Jemma took the remote control of the small RC device she had rigged and paired it to the tablet Daisy had brought into the room with her. Looking to her two friends, she nodded, then began to pilot the car out the door. It was time to move.

The lights shut off as they moved into the hallway. "I'll see you on the other side?" Asia asked Daisy. They had a plan. They needed to take out Mace, Coulson, and Mack, top priority. Jemma would be focused on getting some of the other agents out to the Zephyr.

"Yes. Ten minutes, tops, or we come back for each other," Daisy said, holding up her right hand, pinky finger extended. Asia held hers up too, and hooked their pinkies together. They nodded, released, and Asia took off jogging down the hall. She had some androids to dismantle and some very, very deep rooted anger to expel from her body.

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