8. The voice

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The birds sang beautifully up the trees as I watched the evening sky from my mother's lap. It was one of my favorite memories of her, she was singing an old song of our people while patting my forehead gently...

"Tell me about the legend of the black lion mother". My younger self demanded with such temerity.

My mother laughed lightly and said,
"Okay my child, I will tell you the story for the hundredth time. Once upon a time, our forefather, 'Tekuni The Great' lost his way on one of his dangerous hunting trips, into the dark forest where he was chased down by strange, ugly creatures that wanted to eat his flesh. Just as he reached the cave in the heart of the forest, a white lion saved his life and brought him safely back to his people"

"Why didn't the Lion eat him up mother?" Asked my innocent little self, cutting my mother off from finishing the story.

"Well, according to him, the Lion begged not to be revealed, it refused any meeting with the other villagers. This made the people not believe Tekuni when he told them what had happened. They wanted evidence that he did not have. Rumor had it that..."

"Ada! What are you doing?!" My father startled us both.

"My Lord, I was only telling her a story "

"You should never tell her about that ridiculous drunkard who had too much to drink on one of his hunting trips. Don't fill my daughter's head with that nonsense".

"As you wish, my Lord". My mother curtseyed and left the room leaving me with my father.

"Never let your mother fill your head with such nonsense..."
His voice seemed to faze out and I felt like I was being sucked away from the room...


I woke up to see the familiar cave. I realized I was dreaming about the past.

I looked around and saw that I was lying on the bed that my strange host made for me, with a thick cloth used to cover me from the cold.

The crackling sound of fire drew my attention, I turned and saw him sitting at his previous position, watching the flames as though it was speaking to him.
In a quick moment, he looked my way and found me fully awake staring at his flawless figure.

Realizing that I didn't need to continue lying down, I rose and walked on the cold floor of the cave to where he was adjusting the firewoods.

"Don't you ever say anything? Talk to me, you're driving me insane!". Already fed up with the silence, I screamed at his back. He did not make a noise, only kept on adjusting the woods. I grew frustrated and walked over to face him just across the flames. "I've had enough of your silence, say something, please".

He stopped what he was doing and looked at me. Those eyes held so many emotions, emotions I could not fathom. He stood up and walked around the fire to where I was. Suddenly, he lifted me off the ground and flung me over his shoulder and carried me to the other side of the cave.

He brought me to a small body of water. He placed me down and walked away. The dripping sound of water caught my attention. I looked up the roof and noticed water flowing out from a crack up there into the pool.

Without thinking much of it, I undressed and had my bath. Surprisingly, the water was warm and welcoming. When I was done, I got out and wore the same clothes. It's better than going out there naked.

He returned when I was done and carried me back to the bed he made for me. I did not object, curiosity got the best of me, so I watched his actions to know what he was going to do next.

He went out and returned shortly, this time, he had a dead grass-cutter in his hand. He brought the rodent to the fire and began to roast it. The aroma hit my nostrils and suddenly, my belly made a rumbling sound. I placed my hand over it hoping he didn't hear a thing.

A while later, he was done, he walked up to me and offered me some pieces of meat which I took. He went back to the flames and sat down.

Just then, someone called my name from the outside. "Amara!" The voice called again.

I got up. "I must see who it is"

He grabbed my hand.

"Let me go!!" I yelled at him.

He covered my mouth with one of his hands and pinned me down with his other hand. He killed the fire and made us stay completely silent until the voice stopped.

When everywhere was as silent as a graveyard, he let me go and went to start the fire again.

"Who was that? And why did you stop me from going to them?" I asked his back which was facing me.

He did not respond.

"Answer me!! I want to know-"

He got up, grabbed a rope from the corner, and tied my hands and legs. He gagged my mouth to keep me from talking. Then, he walked out towards the exit. Why is he not saying anything? Who was calling me? How come I don't recognize that voice?

  Time passed slower than I wanted, I sat there staring at the crackling flames, observing every movement there made. Back home, whenever we gathered around fire like this, it was always story time before bed. When my mother was alive, she told stories about far away lands, stories that would get your imagination jumping for joy. These flames remind me of her in a way, her sudden disappearance is something I have not come to terms with, and I don't think I ever will.

Just as I was lost in thoughts, a noise from my left brought out of my reverie. I look up and saw him stagger with his hand on his side, with blood all over his torso. I got up. "What happened?"
He fell down on the ground, breathing heavily.

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