Curse Of Fasha (Part 1)

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After revealing my past to Asta, Noelle and Lily I contiuned to train and in a single week I was able to use my demon magic much easier but I still feel like my limits can be pushed even further.

"I am proud to say I no longer have anything to teach you" the old demon said as I bow in respect to him before we head back to the village for a drink but as we passed the centre of the village I see a statue of three people. "Master who are they" I asked as we stop and look at the statue. "Oh they are known as the three guardians many legends have been told about them but these three were strong as such they were made the guardians of the spirit king and his world" the old demon says as I look at them.

"On the left you have Marsh the fury he was known for his use of boost magic which made him the perfect weapon, on the right we see Zen the protectful his use of defensive magic made him the ultimate shield and in the centre we have Fasha the goddess her use of healing magic was unmatched which is why she was the superior support" the old demon explained before we go and have a drink. Back at the Black Bulls hideout Asta and Noelle were enjoying some down time together while Lily was reading a book. "What you reading Lily" Asta asked as Lily looked at him and Noelle showing them the book.

The title of the book was called Love Of Devils a popular romance novel with the ladies as the trio read the novel together before I get back and Yami soon after. "Listen up since you four are avalible I'm sending you on the mission I just got to explore a bunch of ruins" Yami told us before we head off for the location unsure of what treasures we might find.

To the ruins:

"Wow look at this place" I say as me and Lily look at the ruins while Asta and Noelle look for an entrance but something felt off before I see Lily pressing her hand to the ground. "This place has a strong flow of mana" Lily told me as she stood up and we head over to Asta and Noelle hoping they managed to find a way into he ruins below. After a couple minutes of looking we found no sign of an entrance before making camp for the night but as the night fell that feeling from earlier grew ever stronger as I took first watch should an enermy attack in the middle of the night until the sound of a snapping twig was heard.

"Hey wake up we have company" I say as the others wake up and we all soon see wolves emerge from the darkness as we group togeter. "[Fn] these wolves are not real but a spell" Lily tells me as a wolf rushed at me and takes a chomp at my shoulder but what surprised me was not the attack but the fact it was real before I knock it away. "They seem real enough" I say holding my shoulder as we group together watching the wolves all around us noticing no sign of escapes before I hear something coming from below as a thought came to mind

"Asta can use your anti-magic sword and strike the floor" I told him as he did and soon the area vanished revealing a huge pit with a pool of water which the four of us fall in. After swimming to the nears piece of land with clothes completely soaked I notice a door way before entering. "So the entrance was not above but below but how" Noelle said as I was examine some markings on the wall before turning back to my team.

"Who ever built this place must of put a powerful spell to cover the entrance but from this moment on caution is needed since we have no idea of what traps might be guarding this place" I told them as we head deeper into the ruins. As we walked through the ruins the feeling of mana just got stronger the deeper we got before entering the first chamber with symbols on the floor and floating words. "What's it say" Noelle asked as I looked at the words and translate them.

"What is seen and unseen but never touched" I translate with the riddle leaving us confused as we think it over. "So what does it mean" Lily asked as I look at the riddle and then at the floor as I thought of the answer. "We need to cross using the answer to the riddle I just hope I'm right" I say as the others watch me step out onto a symbol but nothing happens as the words change.

*Once you solve the riddle the next appears* I thought as I noticed a timer and make quick reading of the new riddle. "More than land, thinner than water and always moving" I translate before jumping on to another symbol as the next riddle appears but this time the time is shorter forcing me to act fast. "Made of red and yellow my name is fruit" I translated before moving as a new riddle appears with even shorter time.

"The sound of beasts that doesn't howl" I told myself as I move to the next symbol as the next riddle appears. "Playing games with cubes gets you a role" I translate before moving but as I step on the answer the final riddle appear. "The word you found through the riddle is the path forward" I translate as I try to think of the word before I hear Lily shout over to me.

"[Fn] the answer is sword Star, Wind, Orange, Roar, Dice that spells sword" Lily told me as I step on the sword symbol as a path was formed and the door next to me open as the other cross over and we carry on deeper into the ruins.

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