Journey's End

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The battle between me and Zora continued as I make a fairy sword but as soon as I make contact with Zora it shatters and the same pain shot through my body. *Shit I'm running out of time* I thought as Zora makes his own assult forcing me defend myself but this cause the pain to be ten times worse but I quickly kick him away allowing me a little breathing room. "Why do you fight can't you see the evil in this world demons like me like you will never be accepted so tell me why you protect them" Zora says finally showing the toll of this battle as I stand exhausted as pain coursed through my body but I give him an answer.

"I protect them because humans can change I was born human transformed into a half demon but the Black Bulls accepted me for me and that's why" I say before flaring up my mana and rush at Zora and deliver a powerful right hook as we go flying. "I'LL NEVER GIVE UP" I shout as I continue to punch Zora over and over before grabbing him and tossing him to the ground. "Demon magic: BLACK BULL" I scream the last part as a Black Bull emerged from me and is shot straight at Zora as they crash into the ground as I quickly get back on the attack but Zora counters with his own punch as we both struggle in the clash but Lily could hold on to the link and split as she is pushed away.

"You've lost your spirit link which means your no longer able to use spirit magic and that gives me the win so back down" Zora says with a cocky smile but he soon lost it as I continue to push him back as my arm goes bright red. "[FN] STOP YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH PLEASE YOU'LL DIE" Lily shouts but I ignore her words and push on as my whole body soon becomes bright red and steam comes off my body. *This one is crazy his body is at it's limit and yet he continues to fight* Zora thought as he released all the mana he had in order to counter your strength but we as we break away from each other my arm burst as blood sprayed from the wounds.

"Even if I lose an arm I will refuse to give up I learned that from a kid forsaken by magic and is forced to push himself so to back down would be an insult to his hard work" I say as I force my fist to clench with my broken arm but I never lose sight of Zora who is in pure shock as I ready my last attack but he soon does the same. "DEMON MAGIC: DEMON ROAR" Zora shouts as he shoots a huge beam of mana from his mouth while I continue to build up my mana but Asta quickly jumps in front of me and holds the attack back with his swords. "[Fn] your not alone now end this" Asta says as I make black orbs in both my hands and jump into the air as Asta jumps out the way as the blast goes passed.

"DEMON MAGIC: BLACK METEOR STORM" I shout as I toss multiple black orbs at him before they crash and he gets crushed under each one followed by a huge explosion as fall next to him. "DEMON MAGIC: DARK GUILLOTINE" I shout as I do an axe kick to his neck slicing his head clean off before my body finally couldn't take it anymore and I fall to the ground as everyone rushed over to me. Asta and Magna help me to my feet before we see the spirit king walk float over to us with Lily by his side.

"I must say you have real heart boy thank you for protecting our world" the spirit king says as I stand up on my own two feet and nod before Lily gave me a hug but I knew this had another mean as she floats back to her father. "[Fn] you showed me so many things and helped me make new friends but I must now say goodbye" Lily said as I smile before giving her a thump up to show her I respect her decision I knew this journey would end and that day had come so without saying a word me and the other Black Bulls leave the spirit world as the door closed behind us along with the three keys.

A Week Later

The Black Bulls hideout was full of laughter as I walk downstairs with a smile on my face that includesmy arms wrapped in bandages as Asta walks over to me. "How are you doing" Asta asked as I see him point to my arms but I could tell he was asking me about Lily. "Well I should be fully healed in about another week thanks to my new demon body I heal faster as for Lily it still feels strange but I know she's happy and that's all that matters" I say before I see Vanessa walk out the front door and I go after her.

"Vanessa" I say before she pulled me to the side and kissed me out of the blue which is a little surprising to say the least. "That's a good luck charm" Vanessa told me as I blink before looking at her confused but that quickly changed to a smile. "So you knew" I told her as we take a walk together for some peace and quiet to enjoy each others company.

"So your going off tomorrow" Vanessa said as I gave her a smile before stopping her and face her. "Zora may of gone down the wrong path but he was right about one thing and humans will alway fear demons so I'm going to find others like me and hopefully bring them into the light" I tell her as she takes hold of my hand as I look at her and see a smile. "Just don't keep me waiting ok" Vanessa says as I smile and we head back to the hideout and as the day went I pack my stuff for the trip before leaving the hideout but not before everyone wished me luck and a goodbye.

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