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Asta and Noelle had gone on a mission which sounded easy but soon turned dangerous when the bandits stole a artefact but after Asta sheiled Noelle from an explosion love bloomed between them.

[Recap Ends]

Location Unknown:

"Um boss we are back" the leader of the bandits says as he walks into a cave with the bag of items they stole from the nearby village. "Did you get what I asked for" the unknown voice says as the bandit leader takes out the artefact as the unknown person takes it. "Perfect with this I am one step closer to my goal now go and find me the other two keys" the voice says as the bandit leader leave on his mission.

Black Bulls Hideout:

Asta and Noelle spending more time together mainly training while the others where off on missions leaving just them and captain Yami at the hideout. "Ok that should be good for today" Noelle said as she tries to catch her breather after the training session with Asta. "Reall because I can keep going" Asta say not even a little exhausted.

"Your stamina scares me some times how can you not be exhausted after training for 5 hours without stopping" Noelle said as Asta gave her a warm smile as he sat next to her and enjoy the cool breeze surrounded by flowers. "I wonder if [Fn] and Lily are getting stronger" Asta says as he sees Noelle lay on her back as he lay next to her before they begin to kiss with passion. "So this is training" a voice said as Asta and Noelle break the kiss to see me and Lily next to them.

"Can't you come back in about an hour" Asta said as he and Noelle get up while I had a cheeky smile on my face. "Asta how about you and me go one on one" I say as I saw a smile appear on his face as Lily and Noelle give me and Asta some room. I rush at Asta as he rushed at me while pulling out his weapon but as I go for punch Asta digs his sword into the gound allowing him to not only avoid my attack but also give him the chance to attack me where my guard was down but with my experience I was able to block it and put some distance between us.

"Well look at that you have improved quick but I too have evolved" I tell him as my grimoire flips to a page and I begin to cast a spell. "Demon magic: shadow path" I say before everyone watched me vanish which surprised them except for Lily who had been aiding me with my training. "I need to focus search for his ki" Asta told himself as he closed his eyes and focused but soon appear from his shadow and go fo a punch but to my surprise Asta blocked it.

I quickly jump back allowing me to see a smile on his face which also put a smile on mine before notice him prepare for my next strike. "You have made improvement but lets see just how much" I say before rushing at him just like how I did when we first fought. I soon appear behind Asta just like before but this time was different because he blocked my attack with equal speed every blow was blocked I could see his growth and how far he has come in a short time.

"Ok enough you have made a massive improvement in your skills in such a short time but the same goes for you Noelle good work both of you" I told them as we ended our battle and head back to the hideout but a question was in the air when we got back. "[Fn] can I ask what kind of magic that was" Noelle asked as I see Asta had the same question on his mind as we all sit down. "So you wish to know about my magic very well just know my past is not light but I will tell you after all the only other person who knows is Yami" I told them as I see Lily ready to hear my story as well after all she has never actually heard about my past.

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