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a/n: This chapter contains some screaming and violence. You have been warned. 

Fenrir just stared as Hermione roughly pushed herself from Scabior's arms. He was trying so hard not let his anger get the best of him. Scabior pushed himself out of the tub as he wrapped himself in a towel. 

"Fenrir, if you need someone to be pissed at, it's me. Leave her out of this," Scabior told Fenrir while he walked towards him. Fenrir roughly pushed him out of the bathroom and slammed the door right behind him. Fenrir listened to Scabior's footsteps vanishing from the door while he roughly hit the door with his fist. For a moment, the room was consumed in dreary silence. Until...

"Fenrir?" Hermione called out to him. Fenrir shot his head up before he turned around to face her. She lowered herself a bit under the surface of the bathwater. He stormed over to her and picked her up from the water and the tub before pushing her against the wall. He could see the fear forming within her eyes as she struggled to get out of his grip. His eyes lowered as he spotted the bite mark on her shoulder. Now his rage snapped. 

"Why? Why the fuck did you let him do this to you?" He growled while he pointed at her shoulder. Hermione covered it with her hand like it could magically erase what he had just saw. 

"It just happened so fast. I didn't mean for it," Hermione whimpered to him. Fenrir let her go as he turned around. Unable to control himself, he flung his arm out, swinging bottles of soap and towels everywhere. 

"Damnit! Hermione you are my mate! Don't you understand that? Mine! Why the fuck didn't you scream for me or someone? Anyone?" Fenrir growled while pulling at his hair. He roughly punched his fist against the door, nearly breaking it off the hinges. 

"I never asked for any of this! You should have let me go that day!" Hermione screamed at him. Fenrir turned around, glaring at her. Unable to say anything else, Fenrir slammed open the bathroom door and ran out of the room. 

Fenrir took another sip of his drink as he leaned his head in his hand. He had no idea what he was going to do with Hermione. He couldn't allow her or Scabior to get away with what happened. She was his! All his! Right? Taking another sip, he listened as someone sat down by him. 

"So, what the hell did you do?" Scabior asked. Fenrir kept his eyes away from him as he focused on his drink. 

"Don't even start." Fenrir snarled at him. Scabior laughed. 

"No, I want to know what the bloody hell you did to Hermione when you kicked me out." Scabior shot at him. Fenrir growled. 

"We had a bit of a fight. I didn't hit her if that's your next question. I did toss towels and bottles around." Fenrir mumbled before taking another sip. Scabior scoffed. 

"Seriously? She shouldn't have to see that. She didn't do anything wrong. We're the ones screwing her over." Scabior stated. Fenrir nodded while brushing his hand over his face. 

"She said, I should have let her go that day and how she never asked for any of this." Fenrir mumbled. 

"She didn't ask for any of this. We just pushed her into it. Maybe you should have let her go. Hell maybe I should have let her go that day!" Scabior pointed out. Fenrir rolled his eyes. 

"So what do you think needs to be done, Mr. Smart Guy?" Fenrir growled. What slipped from Scabior's lips completely surprised Fenrir so much it nearly caused him to fall out of his seat. 

"I think we need to let her go back home." Scabior said. 

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