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Hermione woke with a splitting headache. Her eyes slowly opened as they landed right on the ceiling of what appeared to be a tent. She tried to remember what had happened last night but all she could really recall was going into the forest on a dare then a sharp pain rushing through her skull. Hermione proceeded to try to move up and to leave when she was stopped by something holding her down. She peered down to see an arm wrapped around her stomach. Her eyes slowly ran up the arm to see a man, who was shirtless laying right next to her. Hermione felt her heart pounding in her chest while her mind began to race with horrible thoughts of what the man could have done while she was out cold. 

She carefully removed the man's arm from her waist and crawled right out of the tent. Hermione paused for a moment to take in her surroundings. It was a pretty decent campsite. There were a few people walking around. Some women were cooking and chatting while some men were bringing in all sorts of wild game while others were walking around. Hermione quickly got to her feet and attempted to stay out of eyesight as possible. She round a few tents, pausing here and there when she saw someone coming near her. She was about to take another step when she accidentally stepped on a stick. 

"What was that?" someone suddenly asked. Hermione ducked behind a tent, her back leaning against it so hard she felt she might slip right through. She attempted to control her breathing as best as she could while she listened to footsteps coming in closer to her. Her hand climbed down her body like a spider to try to get her wand when she felt it was missing. Her head shot down while she cursed under her breath. If this person catches her, she is finished! She listened closely as he got closer to her. She saw his hands slowly wrapping around the edge of the tent when someone whistled. 

"Hey! What you doing?" someone asked. 

"I thought I heard something!" the person replied. 

"We have more important thing to do then try to find your imaginative creature! Come on or Alpha will have our arses for this!" the other person ordered. The person quickly vanished away as Hermione heart kept pounding in her chest. Alpha, she thought, remembering that this could mean only one thing. These people were werewolves. Hermione knew then she had to get out of there before someone catches her, especially if that someone is the Alpha. She quickened her steps as she went pass a few more of the tents. 

She had nearly reached a safe opening to vanish without being noticed when she felt someone running into her. She tumbled over the ground with the person a few times before she got pinned down by the person. She shot her head up as she locked her eyes with the man's piercing blue one. His lips were tilted in a smirk as he uttered only one phrase...

"Hello beautiful," 

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