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Hermione didn't enjoy how silent Scabior was as he kept his iron tight grip around her waistline and kept pushing his face in the crook of her neck. She felt there was something within him ready to snap any second while they waited for Fenrir to get here for her second task. She had a bad feeling given that she would be alone with Fenrir and she had no idea what the second task was even going to be. It felt like hours till finally Fenrir came walking down the lines of tents with people bowing respectfully for him. Hermione felt her cheeks flare up to see his upper half expose to show off his brawny muscles. He came facing the two of them. Scabior bowed his head, but Hermione could tell he wasn't please at all doing it. Now wanting to anger Fenrir, she lowered her head in a bow as well. She listened as Fenrir chuckled. 

"You're a fast learner, pup. That's what's going to keep you alive." Fenrir stated to her. Hermione raised her head, her eyes locking with his own. 

"I'm told that I am supposed to do this next task with only you?" Hermione asked him. Fenrir's eyes narrowed at bit, anger starting to fill them up. Hermione wasn't grasping what she had done wrong until Scabior nudged her with his arm and mumbled 'alpha'. Hermione had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. 

"I'm told that I am supposed to do this next task with only you... alpha?" Hermione repeated herself. Fenrir smirked as he raised his hand into her hair and messed with some of her locks. 

"Like I said, you're fast learning is going to keep you alive." Fenrir stated, "and yes. In this ceremony, you have to prove to me you can provide to the pack... without magic." 

Hermione felt her heart stop for a complete minute when she heard she had to go out there in the woods and hunt. She wasn't an outdoors type of woman so now she was on the verge of a panic attack, fearing what would happen if she didn't complete the ceremony.  Fenrir lightly gripped her wrist and began to pull her behind him. 

"Alpha," Scabior suddenly found his voice. Fenrir turned his head to look at Scabior, "I was wondering if I may come along for the ceremony?" 

"Scabior, you know that the ceremony is between the Alpha and your mate. This has been a long time tradition and you know this is how it always been." Fenrir told him. Scabior moved to speak when Fenrir gave him a look that made him think twice about it. Then without wasting another moment, Fenrir and Hermione vanished into the woods. 

Fenrir brought Hermione to a beautiful river side with a waterfall pouring into the river. He proceeded to sit down right on the bank and leaned back. 

"Alright, pup. I'll make this simple for you. Go catch a fish." Fenrir ordered her. Hermione's mouth opened ajar as she brushed some of her hair to the side. 

"Um... I never fished before." Hermione told him. Fenrir rolled his eyes. 

"Never?" Fenrir asked her, sounding a bit judgmental about the entire thing. Hermione huffed out. 

"What do you want me to tell you? Sorry, I was never taught this? Sorry, I didn't grow up in a pack of werewolves? What do you me to say?" Hermione asked him before she started to circle, "If you are going to be judgmental about me not knowing everything you know then hand over my wand and I'll be out of your life!" 

Hermione didn't have a moment to grasp the moment Fenrir had stood up and stormed up to and grab hold of her face in one hand, squeezing at her cheeks. He was glaring down at her, ready to sink his teeth deep within her neck. 

"I would watch that mouth of yours, Granger. I have been patient with you so far but you are about to hit your limit." Fenrir warned her. Hermione could barely keep her gaze locked with his own before he lightly pushed her face to the side. Hermione pushed her bangs from her eyes as she watched Fenrir start to unbuckle his pants. 

"I'll teach you. Now start stripping." Fenrir commanded her. Hermione opened her mouth to state how she did not want to do that, but considering she didn't want to get on Fenrir's bad side, she began to remove her clothes off. Unlike Fenrir, who tossed his pants off somewhere, Hermione set her clothes and shoes off somewhere gently. She was now left in her under garments consisting of matching white lace bra and panties. Fenrir motioned for her to come with him as he headed over to the river. Hermione followed behind, feeling her cheeks brighten with each passing step she took towards the river. They walked till they were waist deep (a little higher up Hermione's stomach). 

"Alright," Fenrir spoke as he then positioned her till her back was pressed against his front, "Now you keep your eyes on the surface of the water, bend over with your arms outstretched..." 

All the while Fenrir proceed to teach her, Hermione felt her body acting against her. She had to bite her lips to keep any sound from escaping when she felt Fenrir run his hands over her sides to nudge her to bend over as she felt his chest still glued against her back. She shivered with every brush of Fenrir's warm breath against her earlobes. 

"okay, now hold extremely still... this is the important part. You watch for a fish to get close to your hands... like right here..." Fenrir told her before pointing at a catfish that began to swim towards her. Hermione held as still as she could as she waited. The catfish slowly swam closer to her hands. 

"On my signal, Hermione, you grab. Wait for it..." Fenrir whispered as the catfish swam closer... and closer... and... 

"NOW!" Fenrir ordered. With that, Hermione slammed her hands around the catfish and pulled it up. It wiggled violently in her grasp, but she held firm, laughing as loudly as one could. I mean who wouldn't be this excited to catch their first ever fish and with their own hands. 

"I did it!" Hermione cheered, still giggling like a child would. Her laughter suddenly was silenced when a pair of lips came crashing against her own. 

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