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A/n: This chapter contains violence and bloodshed. You have been warned!

Hermione shrieked as Fenrir lightly pushed her out of the way. She landed face down against the ground as she quickly turned to see Scabior and Fenrir throwing punches or blocking the other. Hermione crawled outside of her tent, wanting to get away from the fight that was escalating. She stood up from the ground while she watched Fenrir rolling out of her tent followed by an enraged Scabior. 

"You backstabbing son of a bitch!" Scabior growled out before he went jumping onto Fenrir and began throwing more punches at him. The entire scene caused so many of the other pack members to hurry around to watch the entire thing. Fenrir was able to bend his leg, pressing his foot against Scabior's stomach before kicking him into the air. Scabior rolled around the ground a few times before pushing himself onto his hands and knees. Hermione gasped when she saw Scabior's body twisting and turn, the echoing of bones cracking apart then merging again till finally he was able to transform into his wolf. Hermione's eyes widened as she then quickly turned to see Fenrir's body doing the same thing.

"I thought werewolves can only change during the full moon?" Hermione mumbled under her breath as she watched the two continue their constant battle with each other.

"Only Alpha and the Betas can," Hermione jolted as she turned to see one of the healers rushing over to her, "it's a ability given to them so if we are attack during a time when we can't turn, they can and use it to attack those who threatened us."

"Can you stop this?" Hermione asked. The healer shook her head.

"I cannot. If it were a mere fight between beta to beta or omega to omega or even a beta to an omega, I could. But this is a fight between a beta and the alpha. It is only till one wins by either surrender or death then the match can stop." The healer claimed to her. Hermione return her gaze over the fight. Now the two were clawing and biting each other so badly that they were drenched in streams of blood. Hermione couldn't bear to watch the fight anymore as she took off running. She ran halfway down the camp as she slipped into the first tent she found opened. 

She bumped into a bed, causing her to stop and look around. It was a pretty large tent, bigger than Scabior's tent. It was then she realized that this was Fenrir's tent. She glanced around. Its walls were covered with a few maps of different places. A large table covered with a couple of bags filled with galleons, sickles and a few knuts. Hermione walked around to find a trunk filled with clothes. There was another table on the other side covered with piles of books ranging in sizes. Her eyes widened when she spotted right among the books was her wand. Quickly she rushed over and grabbed it within her hands. She gazed out through the flaps for a bit before she vanished without another thought. 

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