The two had a clear conversation which resulted in the weakling hiding in one of the rooms. Not my optimal to-go hiding spot but it'll keep him away from the commotion.

"Oh so now you've decided to make it fair? Forget it there isn't fairness in battles.."

"Shut the hell up and start fighting"

"That is a wish I would gladly accept! You should be honored too, I'm a harbinger after all"

"I don't give a damn about your status, just hearing the name fatui already raises a red flag"

"Neither do I" I said with a dull voice as I awaited his first move. By first glance, my opponent is quite the uh...big man. I may be stronger interms of elemental power and fighting techniques but his physical power has the high ground, being close range is fine by me but it'll be more risky.

Both of our eyes were fixed at each other, but in his eyes I could see pure hatred. Our minds are waiting patiently for someone to make the first move and our reflexes are at their pinnacles.

"Come on, I'm getting bored" I whined while swriling my blades.

"Who gave you the right.. TO SPEAK!" the man launched another pyro missle that set the ground ablaze.

"Ouuhhh! So passionate and burny just like your vision!" I dodged his attack by the very same method of reflecting it.

"Dodge all of these if you think you're so good at this" he kept  firing blasts without stopping or even looking at the results.

I would call myself "fast on my feet" and that's exactly what I did, I dodged all of his blasts, but the house slowly started catching flames and fumes rose form the burning wood, in a couple of minutes our eye sights will be affected and breathing may totally not be comfortable.

"Are you stupid? You can't use a pyro vision effectively when there's less oxygen around!" I shouted at him, at this moment I was angry, angry at these idiotic actions of a so called "defense" for his last day on this world.

"I DONT EVEN CARE ANYMORE, I'LL TAKE YOU TO HELL WITH ME" he then proceeded to direct more blasts at me. This isn't okay, the house will collapse at an estimation of 5 minutes. The flames spread fast, don't you love it when your opponent has a pyro vision and they're just using it carelessly everywhere..?

Yea..I hate it.

"sorry to disappoint, but I still have undone deeds, I'll join you one day tho" I replied.

The wooden beam above my head became unstable and it started catching flame too, I have to get out of here and take this battle elsewhere.

Just as I was thinking of leaving my position that threatens being crushed by a giant ass flaming beam, my opponent took that opportunity to launch at me.

his body moves with such momentum that it breaks anything he crashes into. He then clenched his fists and started a series of punches to which most of them hit the air, the rest crashed into the walls and other objects as I dodged them all.

I kept taking my distance, every step he took fowards I took a step backwards away from him while defending myself.

Anemo isn't really the best against Pyro, any usage of my vision will only spread the fire and this weak ceiling is gonna crush our guts any momemt now.  I guess we'll have to fight fire with fire, this man really wants the entire place to burn to ashes anyway and I'll satisfy his last wish.

I infused my blades with pyro and started a series of attacks while blocking his attacks with my arms, unfortunately for him, my hits were much stronger because I manipulate a higher elemental mastery.

Empty Vessel - Genshin×Fem!Reader (FATUI)Where stories live. Discover now