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After I parted ways with Zhongli, I decided to head back to my hotel room for a relaxing y/n peace time but I guess the weather was like " You wish bitch".

It started raining which I tried to neglect at first but suddenly it got stronger and now its like a freaking down pour. Who knew Liyue can have these strong typhoons.

The streets were mostly empty, the remaining people are running to find shelter for the moment.

"Do normal umbrellas even withstand that pressure..holy fuck" I talked like none is around then used my anemo vision like last time in an attempt to block the rain. Slowly but surely, I made my way back to the small hotel but I wasted so much energy for the sake of my outfit.

Ughh who would want my beautiful hair ruined? Even worse.. no one likes wet socks..



"Your guest card please" an employee of the hotel asked me. He blocked the way in.

"My what?"

"A guest card is required to enter"

"When I checked in I'm damn sure that the receptionist didn't give me whatever that is" I crossed my arms and fixed my eyes into theirs to create physiological pressure.

"S-Sorry mam, we have strict rules" the employee apologised with a little tone of guilt in their voice.

"It's raining, whether I booked a room or not just let me in for a while till it ends. Be more humane to another human will you?"

"I'm sorry the rules are applied no matter the circumstances.. because many have sneaked into the hotel for a free stay" The employee replied in a firm tone while trying his best to ignore my gaze.

"Then that means your system sucks, its not my fault. Hey..How about I talk with the receptionist over there and show you my name on the guest list to also show you how dead wrong is y-"

"She's with me"

Suddenly I felt a hand on shoulder and a familiar voice. Oh yea..that's Tartaglia for sure. I didn't bother looking behind me.

"Oh of course my apologies, please enter" the employee finally allowed me to enter..to which I replied with a death glare.

Who knew Liyue's people can be annoying..sometimes it's like the nation of greed. it's a perfect title for a business focused nation anyway.

This has nothing to do with greed..but I really despise Liyue's people to some extent.

After finally entering the main hall of the hotel Tartaglia "tried" to  introduce himself as he trailed behind me.

"Heyy not even a thanks?"

"I was doing just fine on my own"

"Well ... that may be true but come on we're comrades right? I have never got the chance to introduce myself even back at Snezhanya" he whined.

"Oh..so you remember me?" I stopped and turned around.

"Your white hair is really easy to detect and remember.. I've seen you often around the headquarters. You're that girl that worships sweet flowers, literally~" he chuckled and raised both of his hands.

"I'm just a normal fatui recruit"

"I assume you already know my title?"

"Yes, Childe" I called him by his work alias.

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